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 Comic Villains Used in the Realms

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Dalor Darden Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 03:03:13
I thought I'd start a discussion on villains from comics that DMs may have used in their Forgotten Realms.

Personally, I'm now turning Deathstroke (from DC) into a major villain in the Realms.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Thrasymachus Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 07:43:43
Jack the Jester: In the late 80's I used a version of The Joker (with a strong strain of Stephen King's clown from IT), which now that I think of it, landed up being a lot like Heath Ledger's movie version. The clown did murders of children in Waterdeep's Dock ward (nobody cares about those kids). Every three days the sick bastage would leave the corpses in a way that would suggest where the next murder would take place. Example: The first kid was a member of the "The Guild of Chandlers & Lamplighters" and found hanging with his lantern still in hand. Then 3 days later they found the next kid at the Hanging Lantern. Now that kid is dressed up like a deckhand and is emaciated and dried out, but when the kid is identified he is know to have never been on a ship. Heck the kid couldn't even swim. Next kid is found at the Thirsty Sailor in such a way that points to the next kid, and so and so and so on. So every one surrendered their watches (tells you how long ago this was), I would set the egg timer to an hour, and tell the players that the hour represented 3 days. I would leave the giant maps open, FR1 Waterdeep and the North on the table, and let them have at it. Jack the Jester (Jack the Maniac as the players called him) would switch it up to use cross streets since when I used nautical references half the buildings in the Dock Ward are named for nautical stuff. I'll tell you, every time the 60 minute egg timer went off they would all jump.
It was a rather disturbing summer.
Probably to much information.
The Sage Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 02:15:48
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by The Sage

Comic villains in my Realms?

Heh. Where do I begin? Let me get my notebooks.

Ever find those notebooks?

I've decided also to use Kraven the Hunter in my Realms now too...even going to keep his name; and he will be a worshiper of Malar...or even an Aspect of that god.

Not surprisingly, I'd forgotten about this.

I'll need to dig them out again.
Dalor Darden Posted - 08 Mar 2013 : 04:29:58
Originally posted by The Sage

Comic villains in my Realms?

Heh. Where do I begin? Let me get my notebooks.

Ever find those notebooks?

I've decided also to use Kraven the Hunter in my Realms now too...even going to keep his name; and he will be a worshiper of Malar...or even an Aspect of that god.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 16 Nov 2012 : 04:01:09
Interesting. I started a write-up on Hulk as a half-orc barbarian/alchemist(rage mage?), whose rages had the peculiar effect of turning him more "orc", ie, skin turned green, got bigger, stronger, etc. The rest of the time, he was a fairly smart guy. Just don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry....
Saxmilian Posted - 16 Nov 2012 : 01:16:24
I've got tons. As a huge comic book fan I've HAD to create my own files for just about everyone. My favorite is the Epic-level HULK that has no Banner intelligence (remember in the 90's when he was seperated from banner) that has spanked my players on at least TWO seperate occassions.
Heroes work just as well i had my group rescued by a wandering bard that (it wasnt until he had left them safely in a nearby village) they realized that the Hat and Was Indy JoneS!
A slight tweak of their power set (mostly artifacts that they somehow aquired) and presto perfect easily recoginizable villans and allies! I love it!
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 15 Nov 2012 : 23:23:02
Monk/rogue is what I had him as, as well. (See my first post.) We've also toyed wit hTurning Riddick into a D&D character, as well as a few otehr movie characters. Batman is fairly easy, compared to some comic-hero builds. After a lot of thought, I eventually decided Wolverine would work best as a troll-blooded dwarf ranger/barbarian. Possibly with a level or two of samurai, as well.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 15 Nov 2012 : 07:49:33
Me and one of my friends once made a write up of Batman. We made him some sort of Munk/Rogue... And I think a level or two en paladin aswell cant remember. But i was a fun project, and I remember that he worked realy well.
Euranna Posted - 15 Nov 2012 : 03:56:30
Menloche is his creation. :) Think super high intelligence, really low wisdom, and quasi demi god powers. LOL That is Menloche. There is also a 50% chance he will appear if anyone says his name. If you ask him to help, he might help, he might hinder, he might do nothing. He might kidnap you and take you to Whoville.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 21:11:34
Menloche? Not familiar with that name. The fire mage idea is great! Actually, my players had a fire mage with them, so the adventure was much easier than it might have been. The only down-side was that they couldn't use any fire spells in the workshop without damaging all the gifts. They proved quite resourceful, though.
Euranna Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 16:45:58
@Alystra Actually no. We prefer not to use his name because he might show up! (it is actually Menloche), we just call him "the blue guy" since he wears blow robes and a big blue conical hat. I actually ran a Winter Wizard holiday session..but I messed with the players. I made him a fire mage! LOL It was awesome.
The Sage Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 16:15:48
Comic villains in my Realms?

Heh. Where do I begin? Let me get my notebooks.
Marc Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 12:46:45
In my planes campaigns, Doom is a member of a technological society. Spawn and Venom-symbionts are from Baator and the Abyss, and Anti-Monitor is anti-zodar. In some far future I want to use the Endless from Sandman as powerful outsiders, but they'd look differently. Azazel trapped in a bottle could be fun.
Markustay Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 05:42:12
I used a lot of comic and cartoon stuff back when I ran Greyhawk, but I can't recall doing so in FR. At least, not as-is (when I did it in GH, I didn't even bother to change the names most of the time). I actually used Victor Von Doom as a baron in the Bandit kingdoms.

I did have a DMPC that was somewhat based on Shang-Chi, but that character is so obscure no-one would have recognized it.

I've toyed with the concept of a (DC) Manhunter organization. The original (Paul Kirk) group from the 70's, not those robots or the martian. My concept was a group of Interplaner Manhunters, sort of like the Lanterns but more skill-based. Someone's got to chase those world-hopping baddies around.

I also think of Hydra when I visualize the Kraken society. I suppose I also think of Cobra (GI Joe) when I think about the Zhents, but not in a good way.

Asmodeus is Marvel's Mephisto.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 05:25:05
Well, I can see how all those clones might make it SEEM that way.... I picture him as more like Vader, though.

@ Euranna- that force wouldn't be called "the Beyonder", would it? BTW, those adventures sound a little like what I did during the holidays last year. I had the party transporting a "mysterious" cargo back to its owner- on a far-northern island in a castle made of ice. The "cargo" turned out to be a set of eight harnesses and a very LARGE bag of holding. The castle, unfortunately, had been taken over by an evil frost mage and his "pet" frost linnorm, and the rightful owner was imprisoned in the dungeon, along with his snow elf workers. The head elf was named Jack Frost, and well...... I managed to sneak in Rudolph, the toy workshop(they had a battle in the middle of it with four ice golems, and had to try not to break anything.), and had Santa himself commenting on whether the group had been naughy or nice so far that year. They defeated the Winter Wizard, but still have to deal with his (former) dragon, now charmed by the bard in the group. And that portal to the paraelemental plane of ice in Santa's throne room....
KnightErrantJR Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 04:42:30
Doom is already represented by Manshoon ;)
Euranna Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 03:43:37
Our DM does a special thing for Xmas that does not effect the campaign. Our characters have to deal with some unusual villains.
For example, last year, we went to Whoville and had to defeat the troll, The Grinch, and his Winterwolf and bypass the Yeti in the mountain.
Another year we were teleported without our gear (it was spread out and had to be found) on an island that was inhabited, by Jason Vorhees, Michael Meyers, Pinhead, Freddie,Chuckie and the leperchan.
We have also faced Santa a few times..last time he was a cyborg.

There is this force in his world that likes to travel and sees things here on Earth and usually gets it wrong and misunderstands them. He has an obsession with adventures and likes to "share" it with them when he thinks he learned something new with adventures. He thinks they will appreciate it better than the the average person. Luckily, he did give us a chance to kill Damadar & Profian from the first D&D movie.

Alystra Illianniis Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 03:19:47
Well, in that vein, I'd say Dr. Doom from Marvel is a shoe-in. I picture him as a human artificer/wizard(or warlock?) with a PrC of effigy master.

Actually, I've thought about this before, several years ago. I had once planned an entire campaign around using comic-book characters in a D&D campaign. In fact, I even played in a game a friend of mine ran using Spider-Man as a monk/wizard/enlightend fist (subbing sonic energy instead of fire or electric from the PrC) He worked really well! Did the same with Johnny Storm (fire genesi fire elementalist), Storm (drow storm mage), Nightcrawler(drow half-fiend wizard/plane-walker), and my hubby had started statting up Deadpool.

I had some ideas for some villains to work in as well, for the campaign- the Lizard (he's pretty obvious- a werecrocodile), the Green Goblin (an actual goblin, but perhaps with a template and maybe a follower of Gond....) and a few others. I toyed with Doc Oc, but never quite worked out how to make him work. Venom was fairly easy- a magical graft or bond with a demon or some such to give an Evard's Tentacle power and some other cool/nasty abilities, perhaps a warlock class or alienist.

Granted, these are all Marvel, but I also had ideas for Batman (monk/rogue), Aquaman (sea elf ranger) and Superman(human paramander, aka paladin/wizard, for those who are unfamiliar with the former term). Unfortunately, I never got enough players to jump in to actually do the campaign. It's still sitting on a back-burner....

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