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 High Herald Type- Black Ops Kind of Guy/Gal – How

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Thrasymachus Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 16:53:16
I am looking to flesh out several new NPC’s that specializes in detailing specific events. What these NPC produces from their research are the word for word novels of the Forgotten Realms.

So, I am looking for thoughts on how to tackle the following issue. If an NPC wrote the Avatar Trilogy, how could they technically go about getting the scoop? The best I came up with was a crystal ball that could see past (maybe even future) events, and am asking for your ideas.

Special concern #1 Getting access to witness the God’s actions
Special concern #2 Wild Magic, Dead Magic areas

FYI – In case it influences your answer. Several different NPC’s have done this, although they could have used the same method or equipment. To keep it organized in my mind. Each of these NPC’s will correspond to an actual authors works.
I have read So Saith Ed, and the High Heralds section of The Harpers, and while the High Heralds are part of the plotline, I thinking of these NPC’s to be non-canon.

Thank you in advance
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Therise Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 20:42:27
I should've noted, the Olin Gisir can be found in Lost Empires of Faerun, a 3E-era book, or found HERE.

Thrasymachus Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 20:25:13
Originally posted by crazedventurers
Non mechanically?

Actually, I appreciate that I am getting both. I have multiple NPC’s of different levels doing this. So having multiple approaches is actually quite helpful. I hadn’t considered talking to rocks as research tool, but that would be great for the author of Escape from Undermountain since a lot of the prying and scying methods are prohibited there. Maybe I’ll abruptly end the story 2/3’s of the way through, and explain that NPC’s ending at the same time.

I have to read “Sovereign Stone”, as suggested by Thelonius

Originally posted by Therise

Perhaps an archmage, skilled in divination, devoted to the Savras? He might receive special visions of events.

Alternatively, a Chosen of Oghma with powers specific to discovering and recording historical events?

Or a High Loremaster of the Olin Gisir, a semi-secret order of lorekeepers, mage-scholars, and secret-keepers (mostly elves and half-elves, because of the lifespan required to seek out and find ancient lore for preservation)?

I am going to have to bone up on the High Loremaster of the Olin Gisir, but it’s a no brainer (well, now that Therise has brought up, that is ) that Oghma, and Savras NPC’s have a place.

I have about a year before I roll any dice for this, so please keep it coming.
crazedventurers Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 18:28:49
Originally posted by Thrasymachus

So, I am looking for thoughts on how to tackle the following issue. If an NPC wrote the Avatar Trilogy, how could they technically go about getting the scoop? The best I came up with was a crystal ball that could see past (maybe even future) events, and am asking for your ideas.

Non mechanically? just assume they do through specialist spells/prayers or insights i.e. make it up.

However if you do actually need to know from a rules/mechanical point of view then I suspect you will need to develop an npc list of abilities and powers that allow such things to be possible. You have already started that (crystal balls etc), add to that powerful unique divinations, visions and the use of more well known magics (speak with plant/stone/legend lore etc.

Don't forget the use of word of mouth from those who witnessed said events, truths can be garnered by speaking to people (although such truths will be clouded by personal feeling etc.)

Of course time travel is a possibility, perhaps a very limited and specific type of time travel that allows one person to go to a specific point in time to witness one event in clarity - for instance they could see Helm killing Mystra during the ToT but no lead up to that event, just the moment it happened.

Alternatively summon up the Realms equivalent ghosts of Christmas past, present and future and see what they show


Therise Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 18:14:45
Perhaps an archmage, skilled in divination, devoted to the Savras? He might receive special visions of events.

Alternatively, a Chosen of Oghma with powers specific to discovering and recording historical events?

Or a High Loremaster of the Olin Gisir, a semi-secret order of lorekeepers, mage-scholars, and secret-keepers (mostly elves and half-elves, because of the lifespan required to seek out and find ancient lore for preservation)?

Thelonius Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 17:05:58
Found the segment, they were able to foresee the future because they knew a lot about history and could advance when a war or some cataclismyc event was gonna take place, but they had no magic means of adivination or clairvoyance.
Thelonius Posted - 10 Jan 2012 : 17:00:48
I always liked the concept appearing in the Sovereign Stone trilogy, where a Tibetan-kind of people go everywhere where an important event takes place and register them over their bodies as a tattoo, they must be allowed to enter everywhere and they can not be attacked. They use to speak a little and travel with a bunch of bodyguards. I can't remeber, though, how they managed to know where important events where gonna take place, I think The Sage, who also read these books could lighten 'ere.

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