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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Varl Posted - 09 Oct 2011 : 03:33:14
Anyone ever find or compile a list of the known Dungeon magazine adventures with their personal interpretations on where each adventure was placed? I'm just about to start locating all of these (a substantial task, let me tell ya), but if something like this already exists in some form or another, I'd rather not reinvent (or relocate) each one if someone that's more Realms knowledgeable has taken this initiative. If not, I'll see ya in a few weeks with my decisions, if this site would be interested in such a document. Thanks.

I know a lot of the adventures in Dungeon magazine are generic, and can be placed anywhere, but I'm still curious if anyone has ever placed them in their Realms.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hawkins Posted - 26 Aug 2015 : 16:57:51
Originally posted by Hawkins

And HERE is an index of all of the Dungeon adventures.

I checked, and the above link is dead. However, I found a very similar tool (or the same tool ported somewhere else) here. It only goes through 2000 though.
Varl Posted - 09 Oct 2011 : 17:23:10
Thank you Hawkins and Therise. I think that Dungeon index page is a great place to start, at least for the Realms adventures listed there means less work.
Therise Posted - 09 Oct 2011 : 05:13:20
Originally posted by Hawkins

And HERE is an index of all of the Dungeon adventures.

Woot! *ferrets away another awesome info link**

Wow, that thing is a dream... you can search it by setting, edition, level...! NICE.

Hawkins Posted - 09 Oct 2011 : 05:09:55
And HERE is an index of all of the Dungeon adventures.
Therise Posted - 09 Oct 2011 : 05:05:46
Originally posted by Varl

Anyone ever find or compile a list of the known Dungeon magazine adventures with their personal interpretations on where each adventure was placed? I'm just about to start locating all of these (a substantial task, let me tell ya), but if something like this already exists in some form or another, I'd rather not reinvent (or relocate) each one if someone that's more Realms knowledgeable has taken this initiative. If not, I'll see ya in a few weeks with my decisions, if this site would be interested in such a document. Thanks.

I know a lot of the adventures in Dungeon magazine are generic, and can be placed anywhere, but I'm still curious if anyone has ever placed them in their Realms.

I have a "sorta kinda" answer for you. Someone made a Forgotten Realms-specific bibliography of every single article, sourcebook, what have you, and put it online. Adventures in Dungeon magazine are included under the "articles" heading, but with a page-search on your browser you could probably find what you want pretty quickly. Even if it's not exactly what you're looking for, it's a starting point: Link Here.

Click on articles to start.

There's something similar HERE just for Dragon Magazine. It's not adventures, specifically, but a really nice index. Hosted at the same server, apparently, it might also be useful as a starting point for you, if you want to include some of that.

Caveat: neither one contains 4E adventures.

Anyway, good luck, sounds fun!

Edit: oh yeah, if you're also interested in Living Forgotten Realms adventures, there's a nice description of them HERE at that website, last updated around February 2010. Not sure if you're wanting to include those, but some of them are quite nice.

althen artren Posted - 09 Oct 2011 : 04:05:41
Nymph's reward is outside Semberholme.

There is a adventure that takes place
in the Netherese ruin of Blister, which is
near Tilverton.

There's one where a ghost and a banshee haunt a tower between
2 and 5 miles south of Myth Drannor. (this might be named
Til Death Do us Part. I'll come back with the real name

If I come up with any others, Ill let you know.

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