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 wolfwere age?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MrHedgehog Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 06:50:13
I agreed to allow a player in a campaign I am starting be a wolfwere druid (4th edition...stats wise just a human druid who turns into a wolf...) But then the player wants their human form to be an eight year old girl because an 8 year old wolf would be an adult... I think that is ridiculous because you can't have an eight year old human adventurer. At first I thought the player was joking and insisting just to be obnoxious but they are being insistent. An eight year old could not have even like 6 strength, its absurd. Wouldn't a wolfwere's human form be an equivalent age? So an adult wolf in human form would be an adult human?

EDIT: To clarify a wolfwere being a wolf that can transform into a human.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Thelonius Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 17:55:34
Yah that could do it, I would tell the player that the wolf aging is slower to sinc with the human, so he would be an 8 years old wolf for like 20 or more years. So he could become a full grown and feral wolf not for two years but for the most of his human aging.
MrHedgehog Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 17:15:52
So I will say the human form has to be in the same age category as the wolf? That seems logical to me.
Kentinal Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 11:49:35
Well, there can be strong 8 year olds, however the demand is not logical.

A young adult wolf should translate to a young adult human. An old wolfwere older adult, ages should be in appearance. A cub would transform into a child. I am not sure I would use a direct dog age to human type conversion, however insist that the human form must be at least same age category as the wolfwere is in.
Kno Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 07:36:22
Wolfwere is a wolf, lives for about 15 years

8 years is equivalent of human's 40

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