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 Secret of the Silver Blades in the timeline

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Rhewtani Posted - 08 Oct 2010 : 22:31:06
Ok, so I know that pools of darkness got retconned to 1350 and curse of the azure bonds to 1356-7ish. So, where should that leave Secret of the Silver Blades in the scheme of things. I know according to SotSB it's after Curse and before PoD ... but, does moving Curse move Secret?

I guess, I'm looking to sort out when Eldamar/the Dreadlord is put on ice, and when New Verdigris is founded, etc.
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Rhewtani Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 22:39:21
I wrote this up on Verdigris, so far. I set up emails on Phlan, Hulburg, Melvaunt, and New Verdigris to go out over the next few days (this one is queued for Sunday).

New Verdigris

The old city of Verdigris was founded by the brothers Oswulf and Eldamar nearly four centuries ago. Initially, begun as an outpost – then a castle – then a mining town, Verdigris met an abrupt end when a glacier mysteriously encased the entire valley. The glacier began receding in the early 1340s and a portion of the ruins was repurposed for Phlanite mining operations in the mind 1340s. Trouble began towards in the end of the decade as monsters began coming out of the mines, but the efforts of an adventuring party christened the Silver Blades and the efforts of the dwarven mining operations has kept attacks to a minimum.

New Verdigris is now home to a small, but growing population of stout and determine Moonsea folk. While supplies are limited and most of the commerce is extremely utilitarian in function, New Verdigris is on the cusp of transforming into a thriving town and one day, perhaps, a full-fledged city.
Dalor Darden Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 01:38:08
Originally posted by Rhewtani

Can we solve it before 3 pm eastern?

Well, from a canon standpoint, it's sourcebooks before novels before adventures (or the other way around) and video games are never canon unless they make it into the books, right?

The only reason Secret of the Silver Blades is supposed to be after Curse is because Curse was originally #2 in the series. However, the forcibly moved Curse to 1356ish. That should make any reference to it in Silver Blades and/or PoD as un-canon.

Silver Blades also seems to HAVE to before PoD, so that there's something for Bane to suck up into the nether-realms.

For my campaign, this sorta works out. The dwarf PC in Phlan was supposed to be helping clan mastemyr (his clas) get gem trade rights for a rare gem that had been spotted in Phlan. He did help that process along before being turned to mithral by the backlash of Tyranthraxus diving through the activated PoR. He had (unknown to him) also caused a retinue of dwarves that had been sent as backup for him (but been captured and held at Castle Valjevo) to be freed. So, in the interim they've gotten the gem trade secured ... with mining operations in New Verdigris, I imagine.

What do you think Dalor?

Sounds good to me. My only other thought is that with 16,000 dwarves in the Dragonspine Mountains, why aren't they more dominant in the area?
Rhewtani Posted - 12 Oct 2010 : 15:47:32
Can we solve it before 3 pm eastern?

Well, from a canon standpoint, it's sourcebooks before novels before adventures (or the other way around) and video games are never canon unless they make it into the books, right?

The only reason Secret of the Silver Blades is supposed to be after Curse is because Curse was originally #2 in the series. However, the forcibly moved Curse to 1356ish. That should make any reference to it in Silver Blades and/or PoD as un-canon.

Silver Blades also seems to HAVE to before PoD, so that there's something for Bane to suck up into the nether-realms.

For my campaign, this sorta works out. The dwarf PC in Phlan was supposed to be helping clan mastemyr (his clas) get gem trade rights for a rare gem that had been spotted in Phlan. He did help that process along before being turned to mithral by the backlash of Tyranthraxus diving through the activated PoR. He had (unknown to him) also caused a retinue of dwarves that had been sent as backup for him (but been captured and held at Castle Valjevo) to be freed. So, in the interim they've gotten the gem trade secured ... with mining operations in New Verdigris, I imagine.

What do you think Dalor?
Dalor Darden Posted - 12 Oct 2010 : 02:31:44
I would be really interested in solving this too. It does put a bit of a kink in the timeline for the area...and has rather serious repercussions concerning the whole area and not just Verdigris/New Verdigris.

Anyone else have thoughts?
Rhewtani Posted - 11 Oct 2010 : 17:38:16
Weekends are always so quiet here ... I don't see any logical place for Silver Blades without leaving it in the late 1340s, I guess. That'll leave New Verdigris growing with Eldamar deceased, I guess.

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