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 Temple of Elemental Evil

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hargrid Posted - 07 May 2010 : 01:51:44
Well Met All!

I was just wondering is anyone has ported this one into the Realms and how it went.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Thauramarth Posted - 07 Jun 2010 : 06:41:42
I have, twice, actually - in two separate campaigns. In the first one, I located the temple in the Reaching Woods, to the northeast of Scornubel, with Scornubel being the "base camp" for the players, to go to when they needed to sell loot, etc. The outpost was located somewhere closer to Scornubel. I did not make major changes to the protagonists (I kept Zuggtmoy, and changed the deity of the priests to the Elder Elemental God / Ghaunadaur).

Second time around, I located the Temple in the southern Misty Forest, and the outpost near an amalgam village along the Tradeway, which incorporated elements from several other "villages-of-the-module" from other adventures. In this version of the ToEE, I made Gargauth a player, as the source of the priests' spells. I also switched Zuggtmoy to an archfiend of my own making, and changed the rooms where Zuggtmoy was imprisoned to better fit the theme of the archfield (less fungi).

Dadoo Posted - 06 Jun 2010 : 20:44:46
I tried didnt care for it and just used parts of the book. The spies in town became Zhents and the Thugs worked for them the clerics in first dungeon were Zhents also and they were searching for an artifact. The first visit to the temple was just a assault on a hobgoblin lair and thats about it. Altho I used some of the NPC's in different adventures
Brix Posted - 06 Jun 2010 : 10:29:35
There are lots of websites with FR conversions.
My opinion: Its best played in Greyhawk.
However, with a little effort you can also convert it to the Realms, but it feels different and may become a very big once you start researching and new ideas pop up.
I used Zuggtmoy as is, because she's a generic demon, much like Lolth.
Halidan Posted - 09 May 2010 : 05:17:50
When I ran ToEE for my campaign, I placed it in the Vast - using the Flooded Forest for the Moathouse, and placing the temple in the Earthspur mountains east of Maksyr's Eye.

I ended up changing a lot of the lore/background to make it fit better with the Realms. The power trapped in my version of ToEE was Moander, rather than Zuggutomy. My logic was that in the far distant past, Moander had formed an alliance with the Princes of Elemental Evil. They combined forces and begain the Elven Court during the debates that followed the exile of the Drow to the underdark (between the 4th and 5th Elven Wars).

The elves of the Elven Court lacked the magical might to deal with the problem themselves. For some mysterious reason (that my players are still looking inti several campaign arcs later) the power living in Ironfang Keep approached the Elven Court at taught the High Mages a ritual to imprision a portion of Moander's avatar.

The spell was first used at the ToEE, which I placed in the Earthspur Mountains. Later, this same ritual was later used at both Yulash and Darkwatch. My PC's were able to learn most of this when they researched the silver glyphs that surrounded the chains on the main doors of the ToEE.

They eventualy discovered that the glyphs were actually the sigils of the High Mages who casted the "imprision avatar" ritual. One of the mages was still around - actually, he was a baelnorn protecting his families manor near Myth Drannor.

He told the PC's all about the elves first struggle against the ToEE, and about the danger of awakening Moander without having found and re-assembled the golden skull, which was the only way to banish old moldy for good. He also mentioned to the PC's that the ancient elves never did learn exactly who (or whom) was living in Ironfang Keep. It's allowed me to keep a bit of mystery going about that place for many years now.
Dalor Darden Posted - 07 May 2010 : 05:00:54
Try here:,Elemental

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