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 Popular names in the Dalelands ?

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Afetbinttuzani Posted - 09 Dec 2009 : 17:47:20
As I prepare to be spontaneous, I would like to have a number names on hand for human NPCs in the Dalelands. Has this topic been broached before. I know Ed has offered a listing of popular names for Cormyr, but before I couldn't find anything on names in the Dalelands.

I'm open to suggestions for how to best go about searching for this sort of thing at the Candlekeep.

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Afetbinttuzani Posted - 12 Dec 2009 : 15:12:57
Originally posted by Faraer

Look ye here.

Thank you, Faraer, for that list of male and female names in the Dales provided by Edward of the Wood.

This inevitably leads to the issue of the poor searchability of the Candlekeep forum posts. There is such a wealth of fantastic information here, but we often rely on someone to remember when and where it might be. I searched diligently for these names and didn't find them, but there they were all along.

Faraer Posted - 12 Dec 2009 : 12:06:04
Look ye here.
Thauramarth Posted - 12 Dec 2009 : 09:25:24
To add to the Sage's list: The Realms first ever published novel Spellfire is set in Deepingdale and Shadowdale.

Another useful source might be Volo's Guide to the Dalelands, still available as a free download here, which features NPCs from just about every Dale.
The Sage Posted - 12 Dec 2009 : 00:05:49
As for the other Dales [and going from memory]:-

Shadowdale -- Shadowdale, Tantras, Azure Bonds, Song of the Saurials, Stormlight, Elminster's Daughter.
Across most of the Dales -- Shadows of Doom, Cloak of Shadows, All Shadows Fled.
Mistledale -- Lost Library of Cormanthyr.

There are others, but I can't recall them all at the moment.
The Sage Posted - 11 Dec 2009 : 23:59:15
Originally posted by Afetbinttuzani

Thanks for the suggestions, Sage. Any suggestions for novels based in the Dales? I'm particularly interested in Daggerdale.

Ed's Cloak of Shadows is partially set in Daggerdale.

Oh, and as I recall, Daggerdale is featured in Finder's Bane as well.
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 11 Dec 2009 : 20:26:05
Originally posted by The Sage

Well, I'd say a flick through Ed's novels which feature the Dalelands as a setting would be a worthwhile start. They're great sources for specific Realmslore-based names used in the region. Some even feel [or sound] as though they are period-specific to past eras of the Realms... which is just grand if you're looking to base your campaign prior to current events in the Realms.

Thanks for the suggestions, Sage. Any suggestions for novels based in the Dales? I'm particularly interested in Daggerdale.
The Sage Posted - 10 Dec 2009 : 01:13:35
Well, I'd say a flick through Ed's novels which feature the Dalelands as a setting would be a worthwhile start. They're great sources for specific Realmslore-based names used in the region. Some even feel [or sound] as though they are period-specific to past eras of the Realms... which is just grand if you're looking to base your campaign prior to current events in the Realms.

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