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 Need advice for a Halfling Cleric/Psion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razz Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 20:17:58
Ok, one of my D&D players wants to make a Lightfeet Halfling. Good.

Next he is a Cleric. Cool. He wants him to have psychic power and learn to combine the two (via the Psychic Theurge prestige class on the D&D Website). Fine. He wants to specialize in psychoportation and time itself. Basically, a psionic-priestly version of a Chronomancer. He specifically wants the Time domain as one of his cleric domains. Ok.


There're no deities of Time in the Realms.

Mystra is in charge of it and others have clairvoyancy in it (Savras) and there is only two that have dipped their divinity further into it and that's Labelas Enoreth and Chronepsis (aka Null). Grumbar has the time domain but he is not a god of time (and I really don't understand why that domain was given to him in the first place? How is he related to Time anyway?)

Problem is, he's a halfling. It'd be easier if he there were a Faerunian deity of time, but there isn't. The story behind a cleric/psion of a deity of time who is a halfling just...reeks of complexity in a Forgotten Realms Campaign.

The easy route would be he was raised by elves and happened to serve Labelas Enoreth for personal reasons, though there's the problem with interracial worshipers.

I am just completely stumped and might go with something like there used to be a deity of time but he is long banished by the other deities with Mystryl's help due to his abuse of it and this character happened upon being a servant of this ancient imprisoned deity somehow (basically I will use the demigod of time from that epic-level Dungeon Magazine adventure and place it in my Realms game).

I dunno what to do, really, I am thinking of telling him to simply change his race to an elf (except wild elf) so this would make more sense.

What should I do? I am thinking of the latter because I do want to start placing boundaries on my Realms game because my players have been taking advantage of the freedom of material I allow. Instead of making characters that meld with the Realms, I've had many characters made that simply didn't make sense in a Realms game without some grand, fantastic story behind it.
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Hawkins Posted - 12 Jan 2009 : 21:13:18
Originally posted by Razz

Bah, I wish my players would think STORY FIRST and game mechanics AFTER!
Hear, hear! Whenever I DM I have the utmost difficulty getting my players to actually come up with any sort of backstory or goals I can work into the campaign.
Darkhund Posted - 12 Jan 2009 : 16:30:37
There is also Urogalan.

Not a true god of time, but he is a god of earth and death, and its easy to see a halfling venerating time venerating a god embodying two 'eternal' concepts.

Add in that he's also one of the two mainly worshipped by the Ghostwise, who do have some psionic ability, its not a large stretch.
Lord Karsus Posted - 27 Dec 2008 : 21:57:37
Originally posted by Razz

Grumbar has the time domain but he is not a god of time (and I really don't understand why that domain was given to him in the first place? How is he related to Time anyway?)

-Grumbar represents stone, and stone weathers the passage of generations unchanged. Or something to that effect.
Razz Posted - 27 Dec 2008 : 19:40:24
Interesting. I was thinking of having him discover an ancient deity from eons ago that he wishes to serve now. I don't want to stray too far from official lore, such as by slapping the Time domain onto just any deity.

He's changed his mind, however, so the thread is now moot >< Now it'll be a Spellthief/Swiftblade (Swiftblade prestige class at 12th-level by the time he meets the prerequisites) and wants him to master speed and the haste spell.

Bah, I wish my players would think STORY FIRST and game mechanics AFTER!

Thanks anyway, my friends.
Lady Fellshot Posted - 15 Dec 2008 : 00:19:42
I second Wooly's suggestion. Auppenser's domains as stated in the Lost Empires of Faerun are balance, mentalism, protection and strength with the portfolios of enlightenment, psionics and serenity. I'd add patience to the portfolio and add time to the domain. He's a neutral god and supposedly still has some spark of awareness and a small cadre of priests running around. It doesn't seem like a big jump to add time to his portfolio for your gaming purposes ^.^
Nerfed2Hell Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 22:23:24
Originally posted by Razz

Grumbar has the time domain but he is not a god of time (and I really don't understand why that domain was given to him in the first place? How is he related to Time anyway?)

He's not the god of time, but the idea behind it is that stone has a long-lasting, almost timeless quality to it. Grumbar, being a god of earth and stone, isn't a god of time but can grant limited effects relating to time because his portfolio dips into the concept if even a little.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 21:58:20
Pandora Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 21:12:23
Since psionics are "unusual" in the Realms it might work to find an old deity - one that is almost forgotten (i.e. make one up if you cant find a good one?) - and have him become fascinated by that one. Since its an old deity the focus on time could easily be explained by reaching into the past for power / knowledge.

The ancient deity could be an ancient aspect of one that exists today ... so maybe Mystryl or some old halfling deity?
Arion Elenim Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 21:03:51
As a DM I STRONGLY suggest you don't tell the PC to change his character because of a deficiency in the lore. I think your best bet would be to just slap the Time portfolio onto any of the gods your PC seems to favor. It's not going to throw your game that much off kilter.

Another option is to let the PC be the progenitor of a halfling sect sworn to follow the flow of time. Let them be the first!
Ghost King Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 21:00:00
Well met Razz,

I think I may have a solution to your problem at least partly. Amaunator, also known as Lathander's ancient self, was the god of time in Netheril and Faerun long ago in the history of Faerun. It sounds like you're playing in 3.0 or 3.5 realms, so I can say with confidence there is a struggle within the Lathander Church between Lathanderites and Amanautorites (people that worship the past self of Lathander over the current).

I also think there is a prestige class in the Lost Empires of Faerun book that details the Sunmaster prestige class and a few feats dedicated to allowing you greater access to Amaunator as well if you're friend wants to have his halfling be more cleric then psion (its 10 levels total in level which I think you can take at 6th level). If not I think the prestige class just offers greater benefits for taking it, and that it isn't needed persay to believe in Amaunator. Just a possible suggestion you might want to give him, but he needs to have Law and Sun domains for it's prereqs so probably not.

He will have to dedicate a feat to Servant of the Fallen at first level, unless you rule otherwise, that allows him to worship a deity that has vanished or died. It will allow him to recieve spells normally and once per day gets to add a +1 luck bonus on any single die roll. It also says in the description he can be raised and resurrected normally (so no Fugue plane for him).

Only reason why I know anything about this is because of my Lathander Morninglord cleric is currently having a crisis of faith to decide which aspect Lathander really wants of himself worshiped. The power struggle is detailed some in the Power of Faerun if you want to know about the rift in the Lathander Church.

Hope that helps you out some Razz with your player.

~Ghost King~

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