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 Searching for low level 2nd Ed. NPCs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 03:58:49
I am running an AD&D 2nd Edition campaign in Cormyr with five low level PCs (avg level 3). I am searching for a source for low level NPCs of various sorts to populate shops, taverns, garrisons etc. At the moment I am looking for some NPC thieves. I´m not necessarily looking for complete character sheets, though that would be okay, but I would like more more detailed stats than the standard descriptions from the FR products: eg: "Maethlin (NE hm T5)"

Any help would be appreciated.

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Afetbinttuzani Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 22:01:51
Thank you all for your help. I have managed to find a number of usable NPCs. For future reference, for anyone reading this thread at some later date, I found a number of useful statistically fleshed out low to medium level NPCs in "City Adventures" section of the "Cities of Mystery" Accessory (TSR 9262 /FR8).

Alisttair Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 12:34:50
Menzoberranzan boxed set has some NPCs with a lot of stats that are for pre-made PCs...Drow though
Zanan Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 08:44:46
Try a few of the sourcebooks hereabouts ...

... who may feature a few of them. The Villain's Lorebook has some in the appendix (e.g., about Menzo), while Lands of Intrigue, Calimport, Vilhon Reach and the Undermountain things do feature some as well. So should, AFAIK, Four from Cormyr.
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 02:10:45
Super, thanks.

As those of you who have read my post in the "Well Met" section, "Returning to D&D after a 20 year absence", I´m still getting my DMing legs back. I´m sure that NPC generation and adaptation will get easier as I refamiliarize myself with the intricacies of the rules and develop a bank of NPCs to call upon and adapt. I´m frankly surprised, though, that there isn´t an online archive of ready to use player generated NPCs; like the adventures stored at
Hoondatha Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 00:48:46
You might also want to take a look at the solo adventures Thieves' Challenge I and II. They weren't very good adventures, but by golly they had some thieves!
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 00:23:33
Thanks for all the great suggestions and advice. I agree that there is no need to flesh out all of a NPC´s stats if I´m only using a few of them; in this case, picking locks, moving silently, hiding in shadows and backstabbing.

Just today I found number of usable NPC thieves in the DEN OF THIEVES accessory by Wes Nicholson(TSR 9515).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 21:47:04
Originally posted by Mace Hammerhand

Aside from a couple of adventures not many come to mind. As Wooly said, most of it was left for the DM to develop, some might give a relevant attribute and such, but most were just that: hm wiz8 CG.

The relevant attributes listed were usually only those of 16 or higher. And a lot of statblocks didn't even have those -- it was a later development, and not one that went across the board in Realms stuff.
Hoondatha Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 21:39:29
Yeah, I was going to mention the Featherdale Dragons (or whatever that group was called, I'm afb atm) in the last Marco Volo. You know, the inept ones. Nothing like trying to babysit a bunch of inept egomaniacs while you're trying to save the world from an evil god...
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 21:31:46
Low-level NPCs...hmmm... fully fleshed out... for 2nd edition.

Aside from a couple of adventures not many come to mind. As Wooly said, most of it was left for the DM to develop, some might give a relevant attribute and such, but most were just that: hm wiz8 CG.

If it's bad guys you are looking for... stuff for the characters to fight, check out some low-level adventures: Sword of the Dales comes to mind, or Marco Volo (which I had a blast just reading through), or Accursed Tower.

You get more stats in Villains Lorebook, but those guys are not really low in level.

And there may be some usable ones in the various region boxed set: Spellbound, Ruins of Zhentil Keep.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 20:19:47
In 2E, detailed statblocks were the exception, not the rule. Part of the design philosophy was that leaving things vague meant that DMs could tweak NPCs exactly as they needed to.

3E has reversed that trend, with the idea that if something can be encountered, it has to be something you can fight. With the info given, you're left to figure out what the NPC/critter does outside of combat, but you've got more info that you need to fight it. What's sad, though, is that those who know statblocks often find that the published statblocks are full of errors.

And really, it's not necessary to fully stat out all the NPCs. Just fill in the blanks you expect to have to use, and go from there. There's no need to worry about Flame's Read Languages or Open Locks percentages if he's only going to be a pickpocket, for example. It's doubtful that you'd need to worry about exactly what languages he speaks, or whether or not he knows Rope Use. Give him the Pick Pockets percentage that you need him to have, and fill in the other stuff only if necessary.
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 19:19:38
Thanks for that. Unfortunately, the NPCs in book two are heavy on description and light on character stats. The entry for Flame the thief, for example, gives only the standard FR stats: NE hm T7 (p. 34). It does not give his other basic stats such as AC, THAC0, Dmg, etc., much less his thieving skills stats. I could flesh that out myself, of course, but it would save me a lot of time to find some NPCs with the basic stats fleshed out that I could then adapt to my needs.
Alisttair Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 11:40:25
I know there are a bunch in the 2nd book in the 2E FR Campaign Setting (the one with the Spellfire cover...I forget what its called) but a bunch of low level 2E NPCs are in there.

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