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 God of Slaughter, Death, and Lies... BHAAL!!!! RA!

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Randal_Dundragon Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 03:53:26
Alrigth heres the lowdown, i would like to run a campaign about the resserection of the god Bhaal. Ala Baldurs Gate (sort of) and i was wondering what kind of abilities a child of Bhaal should get (if any).

The reason i feel they should is because they are effectivly his first born childeren, deigned with his essence.

If their was an article printed by wizo or dragon please let me know
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Ergdusch Posted - 08 Mar 2008 : 11:36:24
Originally posted by Randal_Dundragon

My apologies in regards to not using the search function but i usually find it easier to ask, then beg forgiveness, then to look up threads which may or may not be helpful. Then open a thread and then get a response as such.

But thank you none the less... Especially for the article mention. And should anyone have any other advice i would greatly appreciate it.

So you let others do the searching FOR you, aye?! Lazy bun!

Check out this topic: Alaundo's Prophecies and hte Bhaalspawn
Also the FR Wiki on this: Bhaalspawn

Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Mar 2008 : 19:26:43
Originally posted by Gelcur

May I ask why?

Sure. :)

I am thinking of maybe allowing this template in my campaign and would love to here other experiences with it.

I just don't think the template fits the concept of the Bhaalspawn very well, as presented in the games and even in the novels. The whole theme of the Bhaalspawn Saga was, in my opinion, that the PC has free will in spite of the "bad blood" in him/her, and that the PC is not destined to be a villain. However, from what I remember about the template, it kind of pushes you towards being a villain--the PC gets to choose a "positive trait" at every level up, but also a "negative trait" at every level up as well. Some of the negatives are pretty extreme, such as being forced to murder a non-hostile innocent one a week (or something to that effect), registering as "evil" to alignment detection spells even if the PC isn't evil, being susceptible to weapons that harm evil creatures. Of course, as you level up you can't avoid choosing the extreme negative options, which ultimately might make the template a fine choice for a villain (someone more rules-savvy than I am might analyze it and say it still sucks, though), but pretty deleterious for goodly characters.

Needless to say, none of that applied to all Bhaalspawn (or even *any* Bhaalspawn that I recall) in the books or in the games. Which is odd, as David Gaider (who worked on the game) worked on the template as well.

Still, check the template out for yourself. If you love the concept, use it. All I'm doing is offering my opinion. :)
Gelcur Posted - 07 Mar 2008 : 17:34:37
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
As for the template, I can't say I recommend it.

May I ask why? I am thinking of maybe allowing this template in my campaign and would love to here other experiences with it.
Randal_Dundragon Posted - 07 Mar 2008 : 01:02:03
My apologies in regards to not using the search function but i usually find it easier to ask, then beg forgiveness, then to look up threads which may or may not be helpful. Then open a thread and then get a response as such.

But thank you none the less... Especially for the article mention. And should anyone have any other advice i would greatly appreciate it.
Ergdusch Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 17:50:26
Soso, a 'Child of Bhaal' - Baldur's Gate kinda Campaign. This wheel has been invented before I believe. And IIRC there have been a few discussions on the 'Bhaalspawn' before in these halls of Candlekeep. I would suggest you try the Search function of this board also....
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 15:30:33
And for accuracy's sake, Bhaal was never the god of lies.

As for the template, I can't say I recommend it.
The Sage Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 05:08:40
Are you talking about a Bhaalspawn? If so, there was a Bhaalspawn template for 3e presented in DRAGON #288.

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