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 I have run out of ideas!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Lysander Posted - 09 Feb 2007 : 22:16:15
I am running a game, and I want to send the players (Human rogue5/fighter2/wizard1 , dwarf cleric6/fighter2, human wizard 8) to Candlekeep, for a full RP session. I want them to be given a magical gem, needed to open a magically sealed mine. I am planning to position the gem in the citadels' caverns. But I don't have any idea how to send them down there. If anybody has an idea, please help, as I am going to run the session tomorrow.Detailed or just a headline your help will be apratiated. I think that the cleric and the wizard can play wonderfull RP but I don't know how.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kentinal Posted - 09 Feb 2007 : 23:16:54
Glad I could help some, still not much time to do details (also is a risk your players might read this scroll) but it does strike me you clearly can Role Play most of the search by using NPCs, that will direct or misdirect depending on how they are interacted with.

It strikes me that the party will know of the Gem and sent to request access to it. After that it becomes more of how the party interacts with the keeper and people after that that might know about the Mad Mage or the Island (that may not be an Island) and so far. Outlines are easy filling details and posible reactions becomes harder, you will know the NPCs and how they might react to questions (manner in which asked, bargins offered, how the Innkeepers daughter is treated and so so *EG*).

Good luck.

Oh if others have ideas (in case players are reading) it might be useful to post them. A quick idea is not always the best one.
Lord Lysander Posted - 09 Feb 2007 : 22:51:18
Ohhhhhhh... I have not thought something like that. Wonderfull. Thanks a lot lad.
Kentinal Posted - 09 Feb 2007 : 22:47:07
A Quest for Candlekeep, thr first thing that occurs to me is find a tome of some kind.

The tome being magical and perhaps alignment based as well. The tome itself might not matter all that much, it could matter more on how the tome is retrieved. Time is still short to do much for a quest, basic outline I am thinking about now is pointing the party to an afilliate of Candlekeep, though not public knowledge, that has the tome. Perhaps the Mad Mage of Windswept Island. The quest is in finding the Island, and the real test is how the Mad Mage is dealt with because a report will be sent to Candlekeep before the party can return with the tome. Thus the keeper will know in advance if the party can be trusted in the caverns.

Edit: Cleans up some keyboard errors (I think), i.e. typos.
Lord Lysander Posted - 09 Feb 2007 : 22:37:00
The mine is to the dalelands. Generally I am not searching for a hack n slash session. I am thinking to pass the party from some kind of quest to earn the keeper's trust in order to open them the caverns' doors. But what would that be?
Kentinal Posted - 09 Feb 2007 : 22:28:36
Well the quickest way to guide to the Gem is giving them a map. If you mean a detail map I do not believe one exists and if adding a special you would need to adjust a map anyway.

Where is the mine?
Is it part of the citadel or is just the gem key there and mine is someplace else?

Providing maps still quickest way, however perhaps for RP reasons the map might indicate people or puzzles (answered by people perhaps) instead of an accurate and complete map that a Kobold with Int 3 can follow *wink*

You say you are on short time to have something, so quick way tends to be giving the answers or at least have answers easy to find by doing search or instructed by an NPC.

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