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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dalor Darden Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 18:04:10
Hey folks, check out Gygax Magazine and get into reading it! I don't normally get into publicity for things; but this one I'm excited about.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 08:07:46
Good news!!!
Dalor Darden Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 06:17:35
Aye, entirely different company.

I'm excited though...very much.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 23:28:57
Originally posted by The Masked Mage

Looking on that page I see a new TSR logo TM and no others - is TSR an independent company again?

Yes and no... This is not the original TSR, that was founded by Gary Gygax and later bought out by WotC. This is a new company, using the same acronym (for obvious reasons). And it is an independent company.
The Masked Mage Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 23:02:08
Love the video - haven't seen Earn Jr. in decades.
The Masked Mage Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 22:56:14
Looking on that page I see a new TSR logo TM and no others - is TSR an independent company again?
crazedventurers Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 22:14:19
Am waiting for the PDF to be put on sale - paying another £40 to ship a set of 4 magazines to me if not pleasing!

Looks good though, am pleased to see what is on the table of contents and who is writing for it and also visually the quality of its production.

Wonder whether Ed might write a piece for it?



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