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 More 1E reprints on the way

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
crazedventurers Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 16:06:38
Hello All

Unearthed Arcana is next to be reprinted in Feb 2013

Though not one of my favourites, I thought the additional spells and prayers made the book a must buy at the time.



more info here:
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 19:17:37
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I know it's not possible, but I'd happily spring for a reprinting of the first edition of Deities & Demigods. I had a copy of that in very good shape, before the fire, and the few times I've looked for one since, it was going for far more than I was willing to pay, for a copy that wasn't in as good a shape as mine was in.

More realisticly, I'd love a reprint of the 1E Oriental Adventures.

You know, the 1E deities & demigods is about the only 1st edition resource of mine that still sees use (granted, rarely). I like that it has all these mythologies that I never see anywhere else (finnish, Japanese, Babylonian, Sumerian, etc...). Ironically, the only 1e books I seem to have left are the deities and demigods and unearthed arcana (don't have the PHB or DMG). That being said, I'd never play 1E again. If someone really really wanted to, I might consider 2E, but I'd prefer 3.5 or pathfinder.

I've never played 1E, but I have nostalgia for the books, because they were my intro to D&D.

I had both the original DDG and the revised copy -- and I didn't pay for either. The revised DDG I found in high school -- I walked out of the classroom, saw a locker across the hall standing open, walked over and saw that book in there. No lock, no textbooks, just a folder and the DDG. Nothing to identify the owner... So it became mine.

The original DDG, a really great manager gave to me. He'd bailed on D&D, but kept that book, because he knew it'd be worth something. He gave it to me because he knew I'd appreciate it. Awesome, awesome boss.
sleyvas Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 16:20:23
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I know it's not possible, but I'd happily spring for a reprinting of the first edition of Deities & Demigods. I had a copy of that in very good shape, before the fire, and the few times I've looked for one since, it was going for far more than I was willing to pay, for a copy that wasn't in as good a shape as mine was in.

More realisticly, I'd love a reprint of the 1E Oriental Adventures.

You know, the 1E deities & demigods is about the only 1st edition resource of mine that still sees use (granted, rarely). I like that it has all these mythologies that I never see anywhere else (finnish, Japanese, Babylonian, Sumerian, etc...). Ironically, the only 1e books I seem to have left are the deities and demigods and unearthed arcana (don't have the PHB or DMG). That being said, I'd never play 1E again. If someone really really wanted to, I might consider 2E, but I'd prefer 3.5 or pathfinder.
George Krashos Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 05:23:12
Unearthed Arcana was far too munchkinny (cavaliers!) but boy, was it a great book. The new spells and magic items alone were worth the cost of purchase. Crap binding though - started to disintegrate the more I thumbed through it.

-- George Krashos
The Sage Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 01:58:17
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I know it's not possible, but I'd happily spring for a reprinting of the first edition of Deities & Demigods. I had a copy of that in very good shape, before the fire, and the few times I've looked for one since, it was going for far more than I was willing to pay, for a copy that wasn't in as good a shape as mine was in.
I've got a local distributor willing to part with an original copy of the 1e D&DG... but we've been haggling over the price he's asking. Compared to values I've seen posted elsewhere, he's definitely seeking to make massive profits on this resale.
More realisticly, I'd love a reprint of the 1E Oriental Adventures.

Another of the 1e books I missed out on. So, yeah, I'd love a reprint of this one as well.
The Sage Posted - 20 Sep 2012 : 01:56:33
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kno

I'd buy 2 e with new art

I'd prefer the 2E books with the original art, meself. Particularly the illustration of the boy and the girl on the flying carpet, in the PHB -- always felt there was some story, there.


While I did love a lot of the 3e interior art, and some of the 4e material for that matter... D&D art, for me at least, will always be most of what I saw [and used for visual gaming aids] in the multitudes of sourcebooks for both 1e and 2e.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 22:49:06
I know it's not possible, but I'd happily spring for a reprinting of the first edition of Deities & Demigods. I had a copy of that in very good shape, before the fire, and the few times I've looked for one since, it was going for far more than I was willing to pay, for a copy that wasn't in as good a shape as mine was in.

More realisticly, I'd love a reprint of the 1E Oriental Adventures.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 22:47:07
Originally posted by Kno

I'd buy 2 e with new art

I'd prefer the 2E books with the original art, meself. Particularly the illustration of the boy and the girl on the flying carpet, in the PHB -- always felt there was some story, there.
Dalor Darden Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 21:56:27
N'ting day puwt out frum me 1e wil git coyn frum me coffers!

(happy talk like a pirate day!)
Kno Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 21:28:37
I'd buy 2 e with new art
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 18:35:15
I liked the original Unearthed Arcana, and made much use of the cantrips section. I'll buy that book.
The Sage Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 16:29:54

I missed the printing of the original way back when. So I'll definitely be adding this to my library.

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