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 Dungeon # 201: Trobriand's Machinations

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Diffan Posted - 22 Apr 2012 : 05:15:34
Trobriand's Machinations

A pretty interesting article about Trobriand, his creations in Undermountain, and the reactinons they had during the Spellplague. It says that most believe that he perished during some ritual Halaster performed to save Undermountain, but no one knows for sure. It also has suggestions for Torbriand if he's still alive in your setting and how he might be used in a game (not mechanics wise, just some ideas). It then goes on to list several 4E monsters that he created that scurry about Undermountain. One is a level 3, two are level 6, another one is level 8 then a BIG bad-guy who is level 19 (a Tyrannosphere which is crafted to emulate that of a Eye-Tyrant by using a ritual akin to a Helmed Horror).

All in all, definitly gave me a reason to keep Trobriand around in similar form to that found in Waterdeep: City of Splendors, except he'll be over 75% grafted metal and contruct. Think Phyrexian from Magic: The Gathering.

Either way, interesting Realms article.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 12 Sep 2012 : 01:01:01
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Love the Metal Mage. One of the more underrated, forgotten-but-awesome characters.

Agreed. I've always been fascinated by metal-related magic/power (Magneto's unparallelled control over all types of metals, Allomancy in Mistborn, etherium in Magic: The Gathering). To have something like that in the Realms is simply so cool that it should be explored more. (I just added it to my Wish List for 5E).
Quale Posted - 11 Sep 2012 : 16:04:08
He did run the Hands of Time, shop/temple in Sigil that specializes in clockworks and mechanical devices. Now his apprentice runs the place with modron help.
Fellfire Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 20:25:05
I wonder, what has Trobriand been up to all this time? Does he have goals besides perfecting more and deadlier constructs?
Matt James Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 19:06:18
I liked it a lot. Philippe-Antoine Ménard (Phil) is a good guy and I think he did a wonderful job with this article.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 23 Apr 2012 : 05:03:00
Trobriand as the creator of warforged-like beings? I could see that.

Too many commas in the article. Makes for bumpy reading and interrupts the flow.

Good article otherwise.
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 Apr 2012 : 03:06:42
-Love the Metal Mage. One of the more underrated, forgotten-but-awesome characters.

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