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 Ralph McQuarrie dead at 82 =(

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hawkins Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 18:24:23
4 years to the day after we lost Gary Gygax, we lost another pillar of geekdom. Possibly the biggest influence on Star Wars other than George Lucas himself.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 02:34:20
Originally posted by Jakk

Wooly: What's this about a concept-art Stormtrooper action figure?

I've gotten a lot pickier about my action figures than I once was, but that was one I had to get.

Before the fire, I had hundreds of Star Wars figures... Now I've got a couple dozen. But each of those couple dozen was selected deliberately -- and that Stormtrooper was one of them.

Jakk Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 00:44:24
Excellent... now I have "Going to Brazil" by Motörhead stuck in my head, which is far, FAR better than the muzak from work that was jammed in there before... my boss's boss is a Justin Bieber fan, and let's just say that I'm not. Oh, and thank you.

Edit: Back on topic: Sad news, I agree; I have a book of his concept art that was published some time ago.

Wooly: What's this about a concept-art Stormtrooper action figure?
The Sage Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 01:27:52
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Leave the SageCave...

Are you mad!?!?!

Build a new one, here in Florida! You'd be able to get all the releases a lot more quickly, getting to GenCon would be more of a possibility, and Florida is a heck of a lot closer to the Lady K's family than Down Under is...

That's true. Florida is a great deal closer to Brazil, and it would make possible the likelihood of more frequent jaunts to that South American locale.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 19:14:19
Originally posted by Bakra

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Leave the SageCave...

Are you mad!?!?!

Build a new one, here in Florida! You'd be able to get all the releases a lot more quickly, getting to GenCon would be more of a possibility, and Florida is a heck of a lot closer to the Lady K's family than Down Under is...

If you ignore the hurricanes, pythons, Tampa Bay Rays and Disney World fanatics it would be a great place to live. Now Texas would be a better place for you. Heat, dust, water shortages, alligators,guns, feral boars and a crazy governor ....nevermind. I heard Kentucky is a good place to build caves.

Actually, this particular part of Florida is rarely hit by hurricanes -- that's part of why Cape Canaveral was chosen for NASA's location.
Bakra Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 14:41:38
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Leave the SageCave...

Are you mad!?!?!

Build a new one, here in Florida! You'd be able to get all the releases a lot more quickly, getting to GenCon would be more of a possibility, and Florida is a heck of a lot closer to the Lady K's family than Down Under is...

If you ignore the hurricanes, pythons, Tampa Bay Rays and Disney World fanatics it would be a great place to live. Now Texas would be a better place for you. Heat, dust, water shortages, alligators,guns, feral boars and a crazy governor ....nevermind. I heard Kentucky is a good place to build caves.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 10:55:51
Originally posted by The Sage

Leave the SageCave...

Are you mad!?!?!

Build a new one, here in Florida! You'd be able to get all the releases a lot more quickly, getting to GenCon would be more of a possibility, and Florida is a heck of a lot closer to the Lady K's family than Down Under is...
The Sage Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 06:11:17
Leave the SageCave...

Are you mad!?!?!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 04:38:55
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Mournblade

Originally posted by The Sage

This is sad news indeed.

I've so many of McQuarrie's original STAR WARS imagery plastering both my home and office walls. And I've made regular use of his early C-3PO designs for some of my STAR FRONTIERS campaigns.

There'll be a sense of something missing now, when I look upon those images again.

I am using that same c3po image for my mish mash mass effect alternity game. I love it.

Cool idea!

I've also been tempted to use the same imagery for the soulmechs of DRAGONSTAR, but I've yet to find any players willing to game in that setting.

I'd be willing, but there's the small matter of being on the other side of the world... You need to move.
The Sage Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 01:46:16
Originally posted by Mournblade

Originally posted by The Sage

This is sad news indeed.

I've so many of McQuarrie's original STAR WARS imagery plastering both my home and office walls. And I've made regular use of his early C-3PO designs for some of my STAR FRONTIERS campaigns.

There'll be a sense of something missing now, when I look upon those images again.

I am using that same c3po image for my mish mash mass effect alternity game. I love it.

Cool idea!

I've also been tempted to use the same imagery for the soulmechs of DRAGONSTAR, but I've yet to find any players willing to game in that setting.
Mournblade Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 19:44:14
Originally posted by The Sage

This is sad news indeed.

I've so many of McQuarrie's original STAR WARS imagery plastering both my home and office walls. And I've made regular use of his early C-3PO designs for some of my STAR FRONTIERS campaigns.

There'll be a sense of something missing now, when I look upon those images again.

I am using that same c3po image for my mish mash mass effect alternity game. I love it.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 05:27:05
I have the action figure of his original Storm Trooper idea on my shelf.
The Sage Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 01:05:27
This is sad news indeed.

I've so many of McQuarrie's original STAR WARS imagery plastering both my home and office walls. And I've made regular use of his early C-3PO designs for some of my STAR FRONTIERS campaigns.

There'll be a sense of something missing now, when I look upon those images again.
Mournblade Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 23:09:17
I was just looking for a place to post this. He was 82. That means he was 47 when he was working on Star Wars or thereabouts.

Godspeed Ralph McQuarrie. And Thank you!

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