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 Thieves’ Guilds of Faerûn

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Matt James Posted - 01 Mar 2012 : 13:56:52
Brian and I worked on an article that is featured in this month's DRAGON magazine. Rest assured, all of the fine scribes here will find some juicy nuggets of Realmslore.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 31 Jan 2013 : 04:24:22
Sorry to hear that Matt. Maybe something from your work can find its way into future products.
Matt James Posted - 31 Jan 2013 : 00:23:23
It would appear WotC completely abandoned this. Sorry folks. Wish I knew why.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 23 Mar 2012 : 18:25:44
They seem to be taking extra care to polish it as shiny as possible. One hopes this is a good sign, and I think it is.

Brian R. James Posted - 23 Mar 2012 : 14:57:14
Not cancelled. WotC wanted some changes, so the Thieves' Guild article has been postponed till later in the year.
Soturno Posted - 23 Mar 2012 : 01:15:39
What happened to the Thieves' guild article? Has it been cancelled?
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 07:49:59
Originally posted by Eilserus

Skullport was really a neat place. I was surprised it was "nuked" in 4E. I wonder if the Eye is still around, that old crusty 45HD elder orb.

It wasn't really nuked--just left undeveloped, so dms could do whatever they wanted with it. Now we're finally getting some official lore.

Irennan Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 03:28:50
I wonder if it will have something about the Promenade...
Eilserus Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 03:00:39
Skullport was really a neat place. I was surprised it was "nuked" in 4E. I wonder if the Eye is still around, that old crusty 45HD elder orb. Since we have a big underdark theme starting this summer and the new DDO game is pushing into Sschindylryn...someone should do a backdrop for the City of Portals! At any rate can't wait for this backdrop to come out. :)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 00:15:34
Originally posted by Brimstone

Dungeon 200 will have this in it:
Backdrop: Skullport
By Matt Goetz
The run-down, rat-infested, subterranean pirate haven below Waterdeep isn’t as abandoned as folks were led to believe!

I consulted with Matt a little on this article. I'm anxious to see how it turns out!

EDIT: Oh, and I may have worked with the James Brothers on the OP article as well. Ah, to be a consultant.

Marc Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 06:13:33
Good idea for this type of article, finally.
Brimstone Posted - 03 Mar 2012 : 16:54:24
Dungeon 200 will have this in it:
Backdrop: Skullport

By Matt Goetz

The run-down, rat-infested, subterranean pirate haven below Waterdeep isn’t as abandoned as folks were led to believe!
Brimstone Posted - 03 Mar 2012 : 16:52:28
Manshoon Strikes Back!!!
Lirdolin Posted - 03 Mar 2012 : 08:42:04
Originally posted by Brimstone

Looking forward to this one:
Waterdhavian Themes
By Andrew G. Schneider
Play a Blackstaff apprentice, a clone of Halaster the Mad Mage, or a Masked Lord of Waterdeep.

Yeah, sounds cool
Halaster returns in: "Clone Wars II -Why I took in a stasis clone of Manshoon in the first place"
Undermountain will now not have one Halaster but several
Brimstone Posted - 03 Mar 2012 : 02:33:29
Looking forward to this one:

Waterdhavian Themes

By Andrew G. Schneider

Play a Blackstaff apprentice, a clone of Halaster the Mad Mage, or a Masked Lord of Waterdeep.
Wolfhound75 Posted - 02 Mar 2012 : 06:32:51
An old cowboy toast in appreciation of your work:

May your horse never stumble,
May your spurs never rust,
May your guts never grumble,
and your cinch never bust.
May your boots never pinch,
May your crops never fail,
May you drink lots of beer,
and stay yout of jail!

Good Hunting!
Soturno Posted - 02 Mar 2012 : 01:41:50
Anxious for that one!
The Sage Posted - 01 Mar 2012 : 14:36:27
I should hope so, since some of us helped find references to a few of the more obscure guilds that will hopefully be mentioned in this article.

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