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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Brimstone Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 05:51:42

The Lords of Waterdeep board game looks really interesting.

Masked Witches

Venom in her veins looks interesting also...
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 09 Feb 2012 : 00:07:36

And anyone who doesn't know that should probably watch Force of Nature, starring B.A. and S.B.
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 08 Feb 2012 : 14:43:19
Although there are exceptions, as a general rule, authors don't write the blurbs.
Markustay Posted - 08 Feb 2012 : 06:53:46
Originally posted by crazedventurers

Good to see the Realms moving along with new products

Does the blurb for Venom seem a little trite or is it just me? Probably one I wont be buying straight away given the intro
Just read it and feel the same.

Its a poorly written blurb - it reads more like a rather dry synopsis.

Like my 10-year-old telling me about a story he read.
Dennis Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 23:27:59

I just hope the new Brotherhood trilogy will focus on Rashemen more, and would not jump concentration from one realm to another. 'Tis high time Rashemen gets its shared of the limelight, and not just Cormyr here, Cormyr there. Which frankly, sometimes, gets tiresome.
Eilserus Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 22:55:36
I'm thinking with the homage being paid to the original modules Against the Giants, we're going to see a release of those, all the way into the Underdark. And I imagine the Vault of the Drow module will most likely tie into this year's later Underdark event. Let's just hope we get to see new underworld features and different cities! Let's see Guallidurth or maybe Maerimydra restored. Or better yet, Nar'Vheen (drow) and Grunthorigard (duergar) under Ravens Bluff. These last two are the only underdark cities I have no lore on other than their racial identity and they were in the living campaign setting years ago.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 13:57:11
Originally posted by Brimstone


The Lords of Waterdeep board game looks really interesting.

Masked Witches

Venom in her veins looks interesting also...

LOVE the cover of Venom in Her Veins
crazedventurers Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 09:58:41
Good to see the Realms moving along with new products

Does the blurb for Venom seem a little trite or is it just me? Probably one I wont be buying straight away given the intro



Brimstone Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 06:35:59
Originally posted by Dennis

Agreed on Masked Witches. Finally, a sample chapter. Thanks for the link, Brimstone.

No problem. I plan on reading it when I get home from work this morning...
Dennis Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 06:17:59

Agreed on Masked Witches. Finally, a sample chapter. Thanks for the link, Brimstone.

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