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 Dragon #407: Crowns and Mantles

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Garen Thal Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 05:10:24
Live this morning in Dragon #407 is "Crowns and Mantles: The Ranks and Titles of Cormyr." This article details the noble and military ranks of the kingdom, and talks about some of the other positions of responsibility one might earn in Cormyr.

It also contains a gorgeous illustration by Hector Ortiz of a Cormyrean knight at the moment of her investiture as a baroness of the realm, and (at long last!) Claudio Pozas brings us the rank insignia of the Purple Dragons.

The full article, at 9 pages, is available here.

Do enjoy!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pazuzu Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 23:17:59
Just arrived perfectly in time for the final of my current adventure, where I want to give the player-characters a title and a castle's ruin in Cormyr :-) Many thanks, Wizards!
Jakk Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 05:52:25
This. Is. Gold. Possibly mithral...

I particularly love the illustrations of the rank insignia and the Chondathan titles of nobility. Hopefully I can find a way to download the last couple of articles; DDI has not made this easy for me as a new subscriber, as the only article links that work are those provided at the 'Keep (as I've noted elsewhere).
Brimstone Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 03:28:31
I liked the rank structure. I mean what it actually looks like on the uniform!

Great article.
The Sage Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 00:13:46
I am without speech.

Awesome stuff, Brian! I'm itching for opportunities to drop some of this lore into my games.
Matt James Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 17:35:23
What an amazing article. Great job, Mr. Cortijo.
Brian R. James Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 17:22:07
This is my favorite article of the bunch. Well done Brian!
Garen Thal Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 16:22:05
Originally posted by entreri3478

Still down...
The WotC site is back up now. Run!
Artemas Entreri Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 14:03:31
Still down...
Garen Thal Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 05:35:28
Originally posted by The Sage

I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy at Wizards.

They're uploading these articles at times when I can't immediately access them from work, once they gone active.

Don't think I can wait until I get home.

They go live at midnight eastern (New York) time, unless there's an issue with the file loading.

You can make it, O Sage!
The Sage Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 05:32:49
I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy at Wizards.

They're uploading these articles at times when I can't immediately access them from work, once they gone active.

Don't think I can wait until I get home.

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