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 Monte Cook's World of Darkness

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hawkins Posted - 30 Jul 2008 : 17:11:08
Just found this when voting on the Ennies: Monte Cook's World of Darkness. As a fan of the Old World of Darkness (first RPG I ever played), this intrigues me because it is Monte Cook's vision of the World of Darkness with revised 3.5 rules. Also, Sean K. Reynolds worked on the project as well. Also, you can get it off Amazon for only 31.49 (instead of the 49.99 retail price).
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hawkins Posted - 07 Oct 2008 : 19:58:15
So far, it seems to me that you could use any of the 5 types (type = race + class) in a normal d20 game with a +3 LA (the CR of a lvl 1 type is 4, the types are more powerful than normal d20 race/class combinations, and they start with 4 HD instead of 1 HD). I really like the magic system.
Hawkins Posted - 23 Sep 2008 : 16:23:50
Finally got around to picking up this book! Only made it a short way through so far, but I am loving it. Will let you guys know what I think is useful for the Realms as I read it (and if I remember).
Kiaransalyn Posted - 31 Jul 2008 : 19:41:52
Originally posted by Quale

yea, the big book

imho around 1/3 of the artwork is pretty good, the other half is just plain butt-ugly, e.g. the buildings

I guess the problem with Ptolus is that there is a lot of repetition with the artwork. (That's me trying to find a problem with it. Personally, the repetition doesn't bother me at all.) I flicked through it tonight to see what you meant about the buildings. To be honest, I never really noticed them until now. I can see how you might not like them. Personally, I think it gives a good idea of what most of the city would look like.
Hawkins Posted - 31 Jul 2008 : 16:49:50
Originally posted by The Sage

Being such a fan of the older Vampire and Mage games set in the WoD, I was intent on actually checking out Monte's work. And then I forgot all about it! So I appreciate the reminder Hawkins.
No problem, I wish I had learned of this last year seeing as it was published during my busy season and I could have easily afforded it. Of course, about the same time it was released 4e was announced. And that event has caused no little amount of suffering for me, so it is not surprising that I didn't notice.
Quale Posted - 31 Jul 2008 : 14:00:37
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Quale

I tried to read Ptolus, but that arttwork bothers me

I'm assuming you're referring to the artwork in the main book itself. What was wrong with it?

yea, the big book

imho around 1/3 of the artwork is pretty good, the other half is just plain butt-ugly, e.g. the buildings
Kiaransalyn Posted - 31 Jul 2008 : 07:25:38
Originally posted by Quale

I tried to read Ptolus, but that artwork bothers me

I thought the artwork in Ptolus is pretty good and with over 600 pages it's a good read too.
The Sage Posted - 31 Jul 2008 : 01:12:32
Originally posted by Quale

I tried to read Ptolus, but that artwork bothers me

I'm assuming you're referring to the artwork in the main book itself. What was wrong with it?
The Sage Posted - 31 Jul 2008 : 01:11:20
Being such a fan of the older Vampire and Mage games set in the WoD, I was intent on actually checking out Monte's work. And then I forgot all about it! So I appreciate the reminder Hawkins.
Hawkins Posted - 30 Jul 2008 : 23:49:49
After getting Elder Evils, putting in a large order (over $50) at Paizo that will go through next middle of next month (when Worlds of Their Own is published), and pre-ordering Gypsy Morph, the Pirate King, and Brisingr, I will have a fun time trying to convince my wife that I need this book soon. However, it is busy season at work (I work for an online textbook retailer), and I will be working 45-50 hours a week, so I might just be able to...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Jul 2008 : 23:06:34
Originally posted by Quale

I tried to read Ptolus, but that artwork bothers me

Are you referring to the comic, or the campaign setting sourcebook? I was referring to the latter -- that book is over 600 pages.
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 30 Jul 2008 : 23:05:30
How readily can it be adapted to the real Realms? I've thought about using that "I see that you are dead people" setting from WotC, but I can't figure out how to connect it to the real Realms without a can of WD-40 to go with the shoehorn. Are Monte's wraiths more amenable? What of his mages? And are they still tied to that cockamamie Atlantean-Ascended framework or does it revert back to the original outline of the WoD?

Quale Posted - 30 Jul 2008 : 20:19:49
I tried to read Ptolus, but that artwork bothers me
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Jul 2008 : 19:53:58
I've already picked it up. It looks interesting, but I've not had a chance to read thru it yet -- I'm still working my way thru the mammoth tome that is Ptolus.

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