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 Monster Manual 3 Contents

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 00:14:57
Aparently MM3 went on sale at Gencon and one of the guys over at Enworld posted the contents, the description are the origional posters

Alchemical Golem - As Featured in Dragon some time ago...
Ambush Drake - A wolf-like dragon
Ancient Night Twist - Old Scary Tree
Arcane Ooze - Spell eating goo
Armand - Armadillo Monks
Astral Stalker - Evil Predators with a few days to kill
Avalancher -Spits rocks at you.
Battlebriar - Another angry plant
BearHound - Druid Bears
Boar Topiary Guardian (I kid you not... its an angry bush)
Boneclaw - Undead with spearlike fingers
Bonedrinker - Undead Bugbears
Brood Keeper - Swarm launcher
Brood Keeper Larva Swarm Above Referenced Swarm
Cadaver Collector - A Collector of Cadavers
Changeling - Um... Subtle Shapechangers
Charnel Hound - Giant Undead Hound Shaped beast
Chelicera - Spider with mimicry
Chilling Fog - Chilling... um... fog...
Chraal Evil Ice or Water Based critter
Chrysalis - Phoenix like egg form of a Phoelarch
Cinder Swarm
Conflagration Ooze
Arrow Demon
Sorrowsworn Demon
Dinosaur, Battletitan
Dinosaur, Bloodstriker
Dinosaur, Fleshraker
Dinosaur, Swindlespitter
Dragon Eel
Dread Blossom Swarm
Dread Harpoon Spider
Dust Wight
Elder Odopi
Elder Redcap
Elemental, Storm
Elite Demon War Mount
Ephermal Swarm
Feral Yowler
Fiendish Rage Drake
Death Giant
Eldritch Giant
Sand Giant
Gloom Golem
Gnoll, Flind
Goblin, Forestkith
Greater Cadaver Collector
Greater Seryulin
Greater Shadesteel Golem
Greater Seige Crab
Greater Savaklor
Hangman Golem
Harpoon Spider
Horrific Vasuthant
Infernal Conflagration Ooze
Inronclad Mauler
Knell Beetle
Lesser Bonedrinker
Lesser Knell Beetle
Lion Topiary Guardian (Even angrier bush)
Living blasphemy
Living Spell
Lizardfolk, Blackscale
Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk
Lumi (Interestingly enough, Fans of Days of our Lives (the American Soap Opera) refer to the romance between LUcas and saMI as LUMI)
Lurking Strangler
Mindshredder Larva
Mindshredder Warrior
Mindshredder Zenthal
Mud Golem
Needletooth Swarm
Night Twist
Ogre, Skullcrusher
Otyugh, Lifeleech
Plague Brush
Prismatic Golem
Protean Scurge
Rage Drake
Rakshasa, Ak'chazar
Rakshasa, Naztharune
RejarRoper, Prismatic
Rot Reaver
RunehoundSalt Mummy
Sea Tiger
Shadesteel Golem
Shimmerling Swarm
Shrieking Terror
Sickening Sleep
Siege Crab
Slaughterstone Behemoth
Slaughterstone Eviscerator
Snowflake Ooze
Spellwarped Creature
Spellwarped Ettin
Summoning Ooze
Ten-Headed Terror
Triceratops Topiary Guardian (MUCH LARGER Angry Bush)
Troll, Cave
Troll, Crystalline
Troll, Forest
Troll, Mountain
Troll, War
Vermin Lord
Voidmind Creature
Voidmind Grimlock
Warbound Impaler
Web Golem
Wood Woad
Yugoloth, Canoloth
Yugoloth, Mezzoloth
Yugoloth, Nycaloth
Yugoloth, Ultroloth

Have to say the list doesnt really inspire me buy MM3
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Altai la Ibn-Ahad Posted - 28 Feb 2008 : 06:42:07
those mountain trols i do think they live because 1 of my irl friends Carl looks exactly like one but 10 ft shorter.i f u ever get the fig ud know what he looks like =p
Ardashir Posted - 22 Jan 2008 : 23:34:01
Just want to say that I like the Grimweirds. For some reason the idea of a spellstitched Grimweird as the 'boss monster' of a dungeon appeals to me, especally if said dungeon was his home in life, and he retreated into it to keep all his 'enemies' away from his hoarded treasure... "I know. I'll make a deal with the Nine Hells. They're lawful, so they can't break their word!... Now, devil, I command three things: immunity to poison, old age, and all other human frailities; servants always at my beck and call; and great magical power!" Buddy the Baatezu: "Okay, you're a grimweird. Have fun counting your coins, dumb*ss."

The Alchemical Golem also sounds like fun, as do several of the other magically-created monsters. Might make for fun stuff in a story idea I've long kicked around -- a hakeshear (one of those allergic to salt, magic eating cloud-things) gets into a Thayan Enclave, and one of the Red Wizards hires the heroes to go in and get rid of it. Unfortunately, she (Khalia, maybe?) has to go along... I say 'unfortunately' because his rival in the enclave sees this as a perfect chance for an assassination, and as such makes certain that all the summoned and guardian monsters are in full fury and ready to kill.

Really, I don't think enough has been done with the Thayan Enclaves as adventure settings.
The Sage Posted - 24 Aug 2004 : 10:24:13
In case you couldn't tell, I could have kept my bone-box flapping all night, but this would hardly be the appropriate forum for such planar discussions, berk...
MuadDib Posted - 24 Aug 2004 : 10:11:33
Thanks cutter!

I really appreciate it.
The Sage Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 13:28:00
Here you go blood...

As quoted from the Planescape Monstrous Compendium I pg. 124 -
Observers and reporters, nycaloths reconnoiter the Lower Planes and observe the Blood War.

Nycaloths look like fiends in their characteristic gargoyle-like appearance. They are hulking, broad humanoids with powerful and wings; think, light green skin with a leathery texture; and sharp, thick claws that make excellent weapons.

Nycaloths communicate via telepathy.
Nycaloths usually operate in a calculating and cautious manner, so they can better maximise their own personal safety and protect their precious power.

Unfortunately, the nycaloths cannot capitalise on their position as information gatherers, because the things they do learn from their patrols often go to fiends on a rung higher up in the 'loth heirarchy -- like the ultroloths (the enigmatic rulers of the yugoloth race) for example. This makes the nycaloths bitter and jealous of the power and position of greater 'loths, which often results in the nycaloths hatching schemes in secret in an attempt to advance their poor positions.

Nycaloths may have once been scavengers, but are now reserved carnivores who take pride in their meals.
MuadDib Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 09:32:15
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me understand what a 'Nycaloth' is. I saw it on the list, and rechecked the 'Fall of Myth Drannor' source book thingy.

I read it and was interested in the three Nycaloth's that bring about the fall and would love to know more about them, specifically what they look like. If anyone can help...

(or I 'could' wait and get the manual myself but that's doubtful)
The Sage Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 09:07:37
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by The Sage

Are there any critters in particular from this upcoming monster book that pique your interest O' Master Sage?

Well met

Oh indeed, Sage. Tomes such as this have been a great facination of mine for many years, I have a fair few Monster Manuals from numerous worlds within my personal collection. This tome in particular has a number of creatures and such which I am quite excited about...

Ancient Night Twist, Battlebriar, (i'm quite fond of semi-sentient plants and such), Ambush Drake, Forestkith, Arrow Demon, Harpoon Spider, Glisterfire, Needletooth Swarm and the various Yugoloth's, to name but a few, have grabbed my interest.

What in particular art thou looking forward to Sage, from this latest tome? (other than the aforementioned Yugoloths, which I could have guessed at from thee )

The several golems sound intriguing, since I like including golemic elements in my campaigns. Other creature types of interest include the giants, and the undead.

Aside from those particulars, the monsters specifically set for the Eberron setting are of interest to me, at least until we actually see that there *will* be an Eberron monster book placed on the WotC production schedule.

I was joking, hence the

Ah. I apologise. It's sometimes hard for me to distinguish humor online, especially in forums such as those here at Candlekeep.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 22:17:23
Originally posted by The Sage

When you get it Sage, can you scan the Yugoloth and send it to me?
I can certainly summarise the yugoloth information for you PDK, but I can't scan it. That is illegal, and not something I would likely do anyway... regardless.
I was joking, hence the
Alaundo Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 18:35:58
Originally posted by The Sage

Are there any critters in particular from this upcoming monster book that pique your interest O' Master Sage?

Well met

Oh indeed, Sage. Tomes such as this have been a great facination of mine for many years, I have a fair few Monster Manuals from numerous worlds within my personal collection. This tome in particular has a number of creatures and such which I am quite excited about...

Ancient Night Twist, Battlebriar, (i'm quite fond of semi-sentient plants and such), Ambush Drake, Forestkith, Arrow Demon, Harpoon Spider, Glisterfire, Needletooth Swarm and the various Yugoloth's, to name but a few, have grabbed my interest.

What in particular art thou looking forward to Sage, from this latest tome? (other than the aforementioned Yugoloths, which I could have guessed at from thee )
The Sage Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 14:18:29
Are there any critters in particular from this upcoming monster book that pique your interest O' Master Sage?
Alaundo Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 10:50:13
Well met

Oh goody, a worthy tome indeed, I'm particulary looking forward to this one My word, they sound a bit nasty to me though That reminds me, I must get those gates to Candlekeep reinforced....
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 09:10:14
Originally posted by The Sage

Maybe those dead armadillos you've seen Wooly, are merely the innocent victims of the armadillo Monks of the Long Death...

Ah, now that's a possibility I'd not considered! Cunning critters, those armadillo monks. You've gotta watch them at all times...
The Sage Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 07:39:39
Maybe those dead armadillos you've seen Wooly, are merely the innocent victims of the armadillo Monks of the Long Death...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 07:19:13
Originally posted by Dargoth

Armand - Armadillo Monks

Armadillo monks... I dunno, the only armadillos I ever see are dead on the side of the road. So armadillo monks isn't something that sounds intriguing.
The Sage Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 07:14:14
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
I just want something more than what this tome offers for my money these days. But, it will sell. I definitely know that as does WOTC.

What exactly are you looking for in a monster tome, Sirius?

I'm curious...

When you get it Sage, can you scan the Yugoloth and send it to me?
I can certainly summarise the yugoloth information for you PDK, but I can't scan it. That is illegal, and not something I would likely do anyway... regardless.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 06:50:00
Except for the Yugoloth, I don't think I remember reading the description of a single monster on that list... When you get it Sage, can you scan the Yugoloth and send it to me?
SiriusBlack Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 05:47:37
Originally posted by Dargoth
Have to say the list doesnt really inspire me buy MM3

I just want something more than what this tome offers for my money these days. But, it will sell. I definitely know that as does WOTC.

Thank you for posting the list though Dargoth.
Wood Elf Ranger Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 05:36:26
Armadillo Monks, Druid Bears, and Angry Bushs?!!! Oh My!!

Sounds like a winning combination!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 05:13:01
I think this one will go on the eBay list...
The Sage Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 02:38:44
Actually, glancing over the listing Dargoth provided, a second time... I've also noticed the small amount of 2e creatures that have been picked up from the older 2e RL MCs...

This is rather a good thing, since White Wolf missed publishing these creatures in their own monster book for the RL setting.
The Sage Posted - 22 Aug 2004 : 02:35:59
Originally posted by Dargoth
Yugoloth, Canoloth
Yugoloth, Mezzoloth
Yugoloth, Nycaloth
Yugoloth, Ultroloth

I think I'll purchase the tome... now, just for these detailed creatures. I'm glad to see that nearly all the various 'loths have now received some type of 3e treatment.

The omnimental is interesting as well. I wonder whether they're the rumored replacement for the animentals...?


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