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 New FR articles - "Adventure Locales"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Rad Posted - 03 Jun 2004 : 08:46:11
Woo hooo, this looks more promising. WotC have opened up a new series on the FR site - Adventure Locales.

The first installment is called The Haunted Glen
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
arry Posted - 10 Oct 2008 : 11:42:18
Are WotC paying by the word, is that the problem? <sigh> More and more it is apparent that DDI is woefully under resourced.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 10 Oct 2008 : 06:53:37
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Wait for Ed's cities to start appearing in DRAGON. As usual, he's already muttering about not having enough wordcount to include all he wants to. Sigh. We should all have such problems.
P.S. GREAT writeup, Krash! Now, if only Wizards would hire YOU. You could be their Oz bureau . . .

Wait... they're still nagging him with the darn WORDCOUNT? for ONLINE articles?!?! what is it this time? server space is expensive? sigh...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 23:25:03
Originally posted by Brimstone

-Wow! talk about thread Necromancy!


*shrugs* We've had a couple of 4 year old threads resurrected recently, and I saw one 5 or 6 years old get resurrected a few months back.
Brimstone Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 22:42:11
-Wow! talk about thread Necromancy!

Fillow Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 06:44:06
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Since these are just potential hooks for DMs, and the Realmslore in them is non-existent, then I'd not worry about them. With nothing tying them to any one spot, and none of them containing lore that was ever used elsewhere, the articles can safely be left out of any lists of canon material.

Thanks Wooly.
Have a good day.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 05:55:34
Originally posted by Fillow

I believed authors wrote something like that in their articles : "You can place this where you want in the Realms, but if you want, North of Westgate could be a perfect place". I think I read it a few days ago in a 4E Dragon article.
So a DM could know where is the canon place and he also can place it anywhere he wants.

It was not done in every article ?

As I recall, it was done for most of them. But the articles were so overwhelmingly setting-neutral that it didn't matter where they suggested, it still didn't feel like it really belonged there.

Since these are just potential hooks for DMs, and the Realmslore in them is non-existent, then I'd not worry about them. With nothing tying them to any one spot, and none of them containing lore that was ever used elsewhere, the articles can safely be left out of any lists of canon material.
Fillow Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 05:26:15
I believed authors wrote something like that in their articles : "You can place this where you want in the Realms, but if you want, North of Westgate could be a perfect place". I think I read it a few days ago in a 4E Dragon article.
So a DM could know where is the canon place and he also can place it anywhere he wants.

It was not done in every article ?
The Sage Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 02:03:44
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Interesting. Because, per the books themselves, the Expedition to Undermountain, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk and the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft were set up to be "put anywhere" and not just their respective settings. So, does that mean the details of Undermountain are NOT canon? (The overall effect of Halaster's death would be, since it's mentioned in GHotR.)

It is canon. It's one of those few odd products that don't have the FR imprint but are still considered canon -- like the original (REF5) Lords of Darkness, the Bloodstone modules, the Desert of Desolation modules or the original OA modules.
It is indeed canon according to the Realmslore. As Halaster's death, previously referenced in the Expedition to Undermountain module, was noted in Grand History of the Realm. And Rich Baker also said this event was considered Realms canon before the publication of GHotR.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 01:39:33
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Interesting. Because, per the books themselves, the Expedition to Undermountain, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk and the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft were set up to be "put anywhere" and not just their respective settings. So, does that mean the details of Undermountain are NOT canon? (The overall effect of Halaster's death would be, since it's mentioned in GHotR.)

It is canon. It's one of those few odd products that don't have the FR imprint but are still considered canon -- like the original (REF5) Lords of Darkness, the Bloodstone modules, the Desert of Desolation modules or the original OA modules.

The "drop them anywhere" aspect was done to increase sales. There was a perception (right or wrong, I don't know) on WotC's part that some DMs avoid setting-specific material, either because they don't like the specific setting and/or because they prefer generic stuff for their homebrew settings. By marketing the modules as generic, they hoped to increase sales.

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft was a bit different; it was a return to the original, generic I6 Ravenloft module (considered one of the best ever), instead of a return to the setting that later spun off of the original module.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 08 Oct 2008 : 22:14:19
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Fillow

There is an inn which is described in one of these articles (despair on tap).
The Bird in Hand Inn exists anywhere on a road that people travel occasionally, but a remote spot in a forest is best for it. What happens at this place would not happen if the inn were too frequently patronized. This inn is a place to stop for the night -- one of many such places that dot the Realms. You can make it into a curiosity only, or use it to start an adventure. You may have to adjust some details to fit this into some locales.

But it is written one could place it where one wants.
I feel it's not a canon lore. Is it ? What is the way to understand the article ?

thanks for reading.

As I recall, the Adventure Locale series had no set location for any of the articles -- so they could be dropped anywhere. I also seem to recall that most of them felt overly generic, as if they'd been written for no specific setting, and then had a Realms detail or two tossed in, so that they could be called Realms articles.

Interesting. Because, per the books themselves, the Expedition to Undermountain, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk and the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft were set up to be "put anywhere" and not just their respective settings. So, does that mean the details of Undermountain are NOT canon? (The overall effect of Halaster's death would be, since it's mentioned in GHotR.)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Oct 2008 : 21:55:38
Originally posted by Fillow

There is an inn which is described in one of these articles (despair on tap).
The Bird in Hand Inn exists anywhere on a road that people travel occasionally, but a remote spot in a forest is best for it. What happens at this place would not happen if the inn were too frequently patronized. This inn is a place to stop for the night -- one of many such places that dot the Realms. You can make it into a curiosity only, or use it to start an adventure. You may have to adjust some details to fit this into some locales.

But it is written one could place it where one wants.
I feel it's not a canon lore. Is it ? What is the way to understand the article ?

thanks for reading.

As I recall, the Adventure Locale series had no set location for any of the articles -- so they could be dropped anywhere. I also seem to recall that most of them felt overly generic, as if they'd been written for no specific setting, and then had a Realms detail or two tossed in, so that they could be called Realms articles.
Fillow Posted - 08 Oct 2008 : 20:07:33
There is an inn which is described in one of these articles (despair on tap).
The Bird in Hand Inn exists anywhere on a road that people travel occasionally, but a remote spot in a forest is best for it. What happens at this place would not happen if the inn were too frequently patronized. This inn is a place to stop for the night -- one of many such places that dot the Realms. You can make it into a curiosity only, or use it to start an adventure. You may have to adjust some details to fit this into some locales.

But it is written one could place it where one wants.
I feel it's not a canon lore. Is it ? What is the way to understand the article ?

thanks for reading.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 03 May 2005 : 20:18:05
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

[quote]Has any scribe used one of these locales?

The Twilight Dawn PbeM group will be facing a modified version of one of these FR-less FR adventures... Just because the situation didn't call for much realmslore and the product was interesting enough to use as a side-trek.

However, the George Krashos edit of The Ruined Village Square is a tantalizing item to use. Interestingly George and I must have been thinking on the same topics - regional history, Shoonite era - at roughly the same time... My Candlekeep Compendium article for Volume III or IV touches on very similar things although it had nothing to do with this particular adventure.

I might use more of the Vicious Venues, Aventure Locales etc. articles over time - likely with a good dose of editing, a prime example now available on how it can - and should be done.
Dargoth Posted - 24 Mar 2005 : 04:29:14
WOTC already have offices in Australia

I dont know what they actually do out here though

It may just be a GSA
The Sage Posted - 24 Mar 2005 : 04:18:20
Am I correct that for those who replied, usage might be higher if the locales had more Realms flavor?
Absolutely. It doesn't have to be extensive Realmslore, just enough for the article to feel like it actually "has" a place in the Realms.

Originally posted by The Hooded One

Wait for Ed's cities to start appearing in DRAGON.
Indeed. I've decided I'm not re-subscribing to Dragon until his articles begin their run .

As usual, he's already muttering about not having enough wordcount to include all he wants to. Sigh. We should all have such problems.
I was concerned that would be the case. Still, something from Ed's quill is better than nothing at all .

P.S. GREAT writeup, Krash! Now, if only Wizards would hire YOU. You could be their Oz bureau . . .
And then Dargoth and I can start bothering him for every little tidbit of Realmslore imaginable... Not that we haven't tried already .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Mar 2005 : 02:19:13
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Wait for Ed's cities to start appearing in DRAGON. As usual, he's already muttering about not having enough wordcount to include all he wants to. Sigh. We should all have such problems.
P.S. GREAT writeup, Krash! Now, if only Wizards would hire YOU. You could be their Oz bureau . . .

Any idea when that will be, O Lovely Tease?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Mar 2005 : 02:15:40
Originally posted by George Krashos

Well, I could say that this one made me retch and blame the troglodytes, but I'd be lying.

The frontpiece spiel had me laughing (ruefully) and adding:

"In fact, this could be set in the Sunrise Mountains, the mountains near Halruua, all points around the Great Rift and along the majority of the Spine of the World. Come to think of it, this adventure would be easily set in the Pomarj, Crystalmist Mountains and near Ratik or Bone March. And on further reflection it would play very well in Silvanesti, on the outskirts of Xak Tharos and the borders of Solamnia. Further analysis reveals that this adventure locale is perfect for the Caverns of Krashos, the wild and wooly Hamsterlands and just outside Sage's front door."

Geez, I'm a cynical $#%@ sometimes.

And thanks THO, I'd love to get my hands on these "FR" releases and put some FR content into them before they get published. You could always use your 'powers of persuasion' on the powers at be at WotC on my behalf ...

-- George Krashos

The wild and wooly Hamsterlands... I like that one!

I should love to see Krash doing these articles... He's already proven he can produce some great Realmslore.
George Krashos Posted - 24 Mar 2005 : 01:03:41
Well, I could say that this one made me retch and blame the troglodytes, but I'd be lying.

The frontpiece spiel had me laughing (ruefully) and adding:

"In fact, this could be set in the Sunrise Mountains, the mountains near Halruua, all points around the Great Rift and along the majority of the Spine of the World. Come to think of it, this adventure would be easily set in the Pomarj, Crystalmist Mountains and near Ratik or Bone March. And on further reflection it would play very well in Silvanesti, on the outskirts of Xak Tharos and the borders of Solamnia. Further analysis reveals that this adventure locale is perfect for the Caverns of Krashos, the wild and wooly Hamsterlands and just outside Sage's front door."

Geez, I'm a cynical $#%@ sometimes.

And thanks THO, I'd love to get my hands on these "FR" releases and put some FR content into them before they get published. You could always use your 'powers of persuasion' on the powers at be at WotC on my behalf ...

-- George Krashos
The Hooded One Posted - 24 Mar 2005 : 00:13:49
Wait for Ed's cities to start appearing in DRAGON. As usual, he's already muttering about not having enough wordcount to include all he wants to. Sigh. We should all have such problems.
P.S. GREAT writeup, Krash! Now, if only Wizards would hire YOU. You could be their Oz bureau . . .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 22:44:58
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

I figure actual use would be low. But, I wanted to ask.

Am I correct that for those who replied, usage might be higher if the locales had more Realms flavor?

If I was DM'ing, and I had some good Realms locales to use, I'd use them. So far, though, the only Realms locales I have are ones from the sourcebooks and the magazines -- the online stuff certainly hasn't had any Realms flavor, and not even all that much interesting stuff.

I do like the idea of a city built in the ribcage of a gigantic dragon, but that single point was the only thing that stirred my interest in this article.
SiriusBlack Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 17:36:02
I figure actual use would be low. But, I wanted to ask.

Am I correct that for those who replied, usage might be higher if the locales had more Realms flavor?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 11:26:11
Originally posted by kuje31

I've never used them and I tend to forget about them since they don't hold my interest. :)

One or two of them has had some interesting bits, but that's about it.
Kuje Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 08:53:14
I've never used them and I tend to forget about them since they don't hold my interest. :)
The Sage Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 05:58:29
Well, aside from George's intriguing interpretation of The Ruined Village Square, I've used the 'island' article from January in my GH campaign (which I revised and presented on the GH forums to some minor acclaim). As for the other locales that have been posted in the past, without significant re-working, I can't see them having any potential for use in my campaigns.

But like Sirius, I'm curious about whether other scribes have found these locales particularly useful.
SiriusBlack Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 05:50:57
Originally posted by The Sage
It's nice... but I'm still not finding them "Realmish" enough for my tastes... .

I understand those feelings. Has any scribe used one of these locales?
The Sage Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 05:48:30
It reminds me a little of a site in the Beastlands I once detailed when I still visited the WotC message boards.

It's nice... but I'm still not finding them "Realms-ish" enough for my tastes... .
SiriusBlack Posted - 23 Mar 2005 : 05:23:20
The Dragon's Skeleton is now posted.
Dargoth Posted - 24 Feb 2005 : 11:44:49

Another place would be to put it in Raumathar
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Feb 2005 : 11:22:01
Originally posted by George Krashos

Yep, another soul-less offering from Robert Wiese. Why is this kind of non-campaign specific material being put up on the FR website and taking up space that could be given to stuff that actually has something to do with the Realms?? I've had enough with this article series - I'm grabbing this "Ruined Village" one and writing it up as an FR article. I'll post it here to see how it should be done.

-- George Krashos

Agreed. They're wasting electrons with these offerings... They should let a real Realms writer do this series. Imagine if Ed was writing it...

I like what you did to it, Krash. You gave it the flavor it should have had in the first place.
tauster Posted - 24 Feb 2005 : 09:44:49
...another alternative locale: Sessrendale.

"the dead dale" was destroyed by arkhendale about 140 years ago (in 1232, the year of the weeping wives). according to realmslore ("the dalelands" and "volos guide to the dalelands", idhtbifom) only a scattered people are living in the whole dale today.

minor adjustments must be made to the description, like scaling down the present village to a few farmsteads near the old town: perhaps some fields were not salted, or a kind druid restored some ground before (s)he was forced to stop (by forces who like the dale in itīs present state; arkhendale or the cult of the dragon (1) comes to mind), so only a very small number of fields is arable. or the people who live there donīt farm, they might be retired adventurers (2) or earn their living by means that require no land.

changes to the history:

the battle of course was the dales destruction. iirc, canon tells us that in addition to mundane troops, "mercenary wizards" were hired to support arkhendales troops, and among the defenders were one or a few (canīt remember atm) local (and powerful) mages, so "wizards duel" is likely to have occured.

(1) for the latter see adventure in tsr jam 1999, iirc.
(2) the typical "wizards demesne in the wilderness" - sessrendale would be ideal for that purpose. although the "retired adventurers"- idea brings up the question why those powerful folk did not investigated the events...

any suggestions?

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