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 Scott Rouse leaving Wotc

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Brimstone Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 21:02:37
Just saw this link over on the Paizo Boards.

Hey ENWorlders (is that what we call ourselves?),

I just wanted to let everyone know that after 9 1/2 years, today is my last day at Wizards of the Coast. As I leave Wizards, I am left with nothing but respect and admiration for the people and products that have made it such a great company to work for. I will be staying in the Seattle area to pursue new opportunities in the gaming industry.

Working on Dungeons & Dragons has been the height of my career and I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of this community. Through these forums I have formed many friendships and look forward to continuing to particpate as a fan of D&D. Plus, thanks to ENworld I have a permanent nickname in "The Rouse". I will continue to be an active member although my post count and frequency is going to slow down in the short term (at least until I start up a new D&D game group ).

If you want to connect with me outside of this community here is my LinkedIn profile.

Scott Rouse
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 08 Nov 2009 : 06:34:56
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Some intriguing speculation on one of the RPG boards I frequent. There's some posters that suggest he may end up at Paizo.

It wouldn't surprise me. Paizo has been doing a good job of pulling in a lot of talented folks, especially those no longer in the employ of WotC.

Though, I wonder whether Paizo really needs him? They've enjoyed great success, and they already seem well staffed with brand/admin types.

Not commenting on why they would need him in particular, but rather why they need MORE folks in general: Paizo has been insanely productive to the point of having their executives work overnight to help pack orders.
Alisttair Posted - 20 Oct 2009 : 11:52:07
I wouldn't completely compare Paizo to TNA Wrestling. The talent in TNA is comparable (and in some cases better) than that in WWE but the people who run the organization of TNA are doing many things wrong while WWE keeps more of a balance lol
The Sage Posted - 16 Oct 2009 : 23:54:33
Well, there we are. I didn't even know the discussion had shifted into wrestling territory.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Oct 2009 : 22:36:52
Originally posted by Ardashir

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Some intriguing speculation on one of the RPG boards I frequent. There's some posters that suggest he may end up at Paizo.

It wouldn't surprise me. Paizo has been doing a good job of pulling in a lot of talented folks, especially those no longer in the employ of WotC.

So basically Paizo has become the TNA to WoTC's WWE, save only that Paizo doesn't have some Russo-esque lunatic running things?

No idea. I've not paid attention to wrestling since I was 12.
Ardashir Posted - 16 Oct 2009 : 19:43:07
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Some intriguing speculation on one of the RPG boards I frequent. There's some posters that suggest he may end up at Paizo.

It wouldn't surprise me. Paizo has been doing a good job of pulling in a lot of talented folks, especially those no longer in the employ of WotC.

So basically Paizo has become the TNA to WoTC's WWE, save only that Paizo doesn't have some Russo-esque lunatic running things?
Uzzy Posted - 15 Oct 2009 : 13:38:21
Originally posted by Daviot

Originally posted by The Sage

You're all not connecting D&D 5e with the 2012 "world ending conspiracy," are you?

Frankly, I thought the conspiracy was to mildly inconvenience everyone whose computer is operating on the Mayan Calendar.
It's MY13k!
Which, really, doesn't mean much. Obsolete software and all that.

A fellow Vista user, I see.
Daviot Posted - 15 Oct 2009 : 12:18:54
Originally posted by The Sage

You're all not connecting D&D 5e with the 2012 "world ending conspiracy," are you?

Frankly, I thought the conspiracy was to mildly inconvenience everyone whose computer is operating on the Mayan Calendar.
It's MY13k!
Which, really, doesn't mean much. Obsolete software and all that.
Alisttair Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 12:03:24
Originally posted by The Sage

You're all not connecting D&D 5e with the 2012 "world ending conspiracy," are you?

Heh, I hadn't even thought of that when I made my post...must have been my "Passive" Insight. Ok that was a cheesy 4E joke.
Kiaransalyn Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 19:14:20
Thanks Ashe,

Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Brand Management is the new Marketing Director, but with a twist. Basically, he's the guy in charge of making sure the perceived product is of the highest standard.

Ah, so a Brand Manager is Business BS for an Advertising manager, with a dash of quality control thrown in. Marketing makes more sense to me.

Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

(and with WotC/Hasbro's business decisions regarding D&D, that can be difficult...)

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 18:58:57
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Uh... Who is he?

That's my thought also.

Originally posted by freyar

He is (was?) the D&D Brand Manager at WotC.

And what exactly does a Brand Manager do? In the context of a medieval setting one can imagine a portly gentleman, prone to perspiration, who is wearing a hood and leather trousers, and is standing next to a brazier full of 'delights' for the prisoners.

In the context of the Wild West, I can imagine it's a great way to get cattle.

But in modern times, I've no idea what one does/did. Is it something to do with logos?

Brand Management is the new Marketing Director, but with a twist. Basically, he's the guy in charge of making sure the perceived product is of the highest standard. (and with WotC/Hasbro's business decisions regarding D&D, that can be difficult...)
Kiaransalyn Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 17:47:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Uh... Who is he?

That's my thought also.

Originally posted by freyar

He is (was?) the D&D Brand Manager at WotC.

And what exactly does a Brand Manager do? In the context of a medieval setting one can imagine a portly gentleman, prone to perspiration, who is wearing a hood and leather trousers, and is standing next to a brazier full of 'delights' for the prisoners.

In the context of the Wild West, I can imagine it's a great way to get cattle.

But in modern times, I've no idea what one does/did. Is it something to do with logos?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 17:35:19
Originally posted by The Sage

You're all not connecting D&D 5e with the 2012 "world ending conspiracy," are you?

Heh. As a fan of Shadowrun, I like some of the ideas of what will happen in 2012 -- but I've read enough about it that I'm not overly concerned. Besides, I recall some other days that the world failed to end on schedule.

I don't like WotC any more, but not enough to associate them with the end of the world.
The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 17:19:03
You're all not connecting D&D 5e with the 2012 "world ending conspiracy," are you?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 16:59:36
Originally posted by Alisttair

WotC's loss will be Paizo's gain.

Fan Site Policy slated for a release along with 5E in 2012 perhaps???

No no no... 2012 is the scheduled release of 5.5E. 5E will be announced at the end of 2010.
Alisttair Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 15:31:46
WotC's loss will be Paizo's gain.

Fan Site Policy slated for a release along with 5E in 2012 perhaps???
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 13:58:13
Let's put it this way...

When I was posting on the Wiz Boards, and making weekly reminders regarding the Fan Site Policy, Scott was the only one to ever answer me.
Brimstone Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 05:19:23
I originally saw the anouncement at Paizo, in a thread that Lisa Stevens Paizo's CEO started. It just said that he is leaving WotC. In the post I quoted he said he is staying in the Seattle area to continue working in the RPG industry. Speculation on my part, but I expect him to be working for Paizo within the month.

On a side note I respect the Rouse. He was one of the bright lights at WotC, and WotC will be a little dimmer with out him.
The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 03:58:36
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Some intriguing speculation on one of the RPG boards I frequent. There's some posters that suggest he may end up at Paizo.

It wouldn't surprise me. Paizo has been doing a good job of pulling in a lot of talented folks, especially those no longer in the employ of WotC.

Though, I wonder whether Paizo really needs him? They've enjoyed great success, and they already seem well staffed with brand/admin types.
The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 03:57:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Unless it's been shifted over to someone else in Wizards' legal department. In which case, it might have been reduced to the "To Do Later" list.

It ever made it off of that list?

Well, it must've received some attention at some point, for the initial Fan Site policy to have been released. What's unfortunate, at least from our somewhat limited perspective, is that it looks to have been largely ignored for the most part, now. And doesn't seem to have shifted from that position.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 03:43:01
Originally posted by The Sage

Some intriguing speculation on one of the RPG boards I frequent. There's some posters that suggest he may end up at Paizo.

It wouldn't surprise me. Paizo has been doing a good job of pulling in a lot of talented folks, especially those no longer in the employ of WotC.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 03:41:59
Originally posted by The Sage

Unless it's been shifted over to someone else in Wizards' legal department. In which case, it might have been reduced to the "To Do Later" list.

It ever made it off of that list?
Dart Ambermoon Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 03:11:40
This fan policy fiasco is becoming pretty ridiculous.
The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 03:03:50
Unless it's been shifted over to someone else in Wizards' legal department. In which case, it might have been reduced to the "To Do Later" list.
Kuje Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 02:33:31
Uh, he was part of the two that were originally working on the GSL and Fan Policy. Linae was let go about a year ago and now Scott's gone? Crap. Guess we can kiss the fan policy being revised unless legal decides to do so.
The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 02:02:40
Some intriguing speculation on one of the RPG boards I frequent. There's some posters that suggest he may end up at Paizo.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 01:42:41
His post almost makes it sound like his leaving wasn't entirely voluntary...
The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 00:34:23
Interesting. I wonder where he'll end up.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 00:08:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Uh... Who is he?

Scott's Wizards profile
freyar Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 23:12:30
He is (was?) the D&D Brand Manager at WotC. In addition, he was one of two "admin-types" at WotC who pushed for a more open license for 3rd party publishing in 4e (the other was Linae Foster, who was laid off about a year ago, IIRC). You do have to wonder why he's leaving.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 22:33:13
Uh... Who is he?

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