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Chapter 1 - Meetings and Acquaintances (part 8)
Though not technically grouped at the moment, the trio found themselves emerging from the Inn's confines at roughly the same moment, all lingering momentarily upon the small, raised dais which served as a porch of sorts, and all held in said roost by virtue of the large mass of people suddenly gathered in the street beyond. There seemed to be no sort of alarm nor panic to the crowd, but the sight was odd nonetheless. Half the people simply milling about, rather than trying to progress to some varied destination.
No matter where the drowess, Horock, or Drazoul wished to travel, it appeared they would have to push through said throngs, or find an alternate means of transport. For the moment, none of the aforementioned mob appeared to be paying any of them the least bit of attention.
A large frown finds it's way onto Drazoul's disguised face. He stares at the people then the large mass. "There goes our ride," he said in a grim voice.
"Hmmm," Horock says looking at the mass of people. "Kind of looks like fun though. Who knows? Maybe there is some trouble to start here, if we don't get caught. What do you say Draz?"
Drazoul's face turns upwards from it's momentarily downwards pose. "Why not? I don't have any plans." Something then catches his eye..a cloaked figure moving through the masses. He nudges Horock and nods toward it. "Suppose we won't have time for mischief yet."
Xull'rae was the cloaked figure approaching the masses away from the two companions, intending to get through with intent to see what was going on and to get to the temple. Skillfully zigzagging through the throng without pushing or being rude, slowly making her way near the front to get a good view..as she was short for a female. She of course didn't go to the very front, but rather lingered behind some folks to still blend in despite being cloaked from head to foot.
Horock frowns catching sight of the figure that he could only assume was the drow female. "No, I suppose we don't. Really, such a beautiful woman, don't you think so Draz?" He sighs in admiration and then shakes his head chasing away the thought. "I just honestly at times wonder what really crawled up her ass and died. She is even more drow then most people of 'our' race. I wonder if she really has something bad in her past to be pissed off about, similar to me..." He thought this simply as idle curiosity. He had no intentions of a romantic relationship. He just wondered what made her so angry all of the time.
Drazoul just grumbles a response trying not to think of the pretty Drowess. "I prefer people of my 'type' if you get my drift Horock. Your 'type' might be interesting to study in a book but that's as far as I'm taking it."
As the males idled in conversation, and the female made her way slowly but surely through the crowd, it was Horock who came to the realization first, that someone, or something...several, rather...were making small, blurred movements within the gathered mob. The drowess had not really discerned more than such movements within her peripheral vision at the moment, though she got a sort of odd feeling which eluded Drazoul for the time being. Drazoul, as such, was more or less caught up in his conversation, not taking any great notice of what transpired.
Nothing flashy today. The Malaugrym simply found himself a small distance from the scene at hand, stepping into this plane from the abundant amount of shadows cast by various lightning and what not. Deep crimson oculars swinging over the crowd, momentarily, mere slits forming, where orbs once blazed brightly. Discerning the situation with relative ease, what with his arcane knowledge. He shambled forward, straight for the trio he had left behind not only an hour or two ago.
"Draz, I think something is in the crowd, or several something's. I am not sure what at this time, but Xull is in there. Do you see them?" Horock taps his companions shoulder and indicates the direction where he saw the "blurs".
"There! You see? Vague movements of darkness in the crowds? I don't know what to make of them..." Horock immediately became easy but more on his guard as well.
Xull'rae turned her head slightly, catching something from the corner of her eye and sense as a priestess. At that moment though she did not move to investigate but instead continued on as if she felt nothing and made sure to secure a spot within the crowd, staying casual and relaxed, but that was a front as a drow she was prepared for surprises.
Drazoul's hands made that intricate but unsuspecting movement which allowed two specially crafted daggers to come to his hands. He spoke to Horock in a loud enough voice so that anything approaching them might hear and be tricked even though he would be ready to flick his wrist sending a dagger biting into the throat of an enemy. "Horock of course something is in the crowd... all these people are!" the disguised Yuan-ti let out a merry laugh to hide his true intent.
Far above, twin pools of oak-brown curiosly peered down upon the scene from within the Inn's confines, though that curiosity was shown to hold some apprehension, the latter betrayed by the small frown settled upon that ageless visage. No matter the outcome of this situation, he would merely observe. Their fates were in their own hands. The testing continued.
Hmm, thought Horock. I know I can clear this area out, but do I dare do it? He looked at Drazoul, knowing his friend would know exactly what he was thinking and he hoped he would give him some advice.
The feeling of oddity that had come over the drowess waxed and waned a few more times, accompanying the swift blurs of darkness, which now appeared to be weaving towards the Inn...or her companions situated there.
A stark white brow arched momentarily as the Malaugrym's attention slid across the crowd again, as if searching for something within. Pinpointing the various levels of power, and catching how the lessors were heading for the two Drow males in question. He would give that a little more confidence in dealing with that minor problem, he was more intent on the one on the other side of the crowd. On that note, feet lifted from the ground and above the crowd, casually flying the distance with that all so favorable natural ability.
Drazoul then sees his friends distress and starts to walk off like a drunk behind his friend and into any shadows that might be near them.
Those on the dais could now track enough movements within the crowd to ascertain that which the drowess had just realized a heartbeat earlier. The two males would be forced to march into the throngs, or return to the Inn's confines.
"And I thought.... Shit!" Horock said out loud. "They are coming this way. Lets get into the crowd, NOW!" He heads into the crowd, hand on his long sword, ready for anything.
Though nothing was visible to the Malaugrym's vision at the current moment, he could rest assured that whatever lay across the crowd now had its own gaze upon his flying form.
Still acting innocent Drazoul turns to Horock. "Are you mad what are you talking about?" He starts to follow Horock but making it seem like he was worried more for his sanity than his warning of danger.
A few of those who idled closer to the Inn turned towards the sound of Horock's overly loud declaration, a slight tad of confusion on their faces.
Xull'rae frowned trying to shake the feeling or act on it, concentrating on staying within the crowd and not letting curiosity or paranoia get the better of her. She did spot the disguised Malaugrym mage in the air though and the acolyte's shout with a sigh of irritation.
Horock looked around at some of the people looking at him, his hand on his sword hilts. "What are you all looking at?" he asked, paranoia clearly showing on his almost handsome face. Shaking their heads slightly, the crowd pulled its attention from the two males, and if one was astute enough of an observer, they could tell there was a glassy, distant tint in those red drow orbs.
"please Horock," Drazoul said in a distressed voice, "calm down there's nothing here you're acting crazy!" he hoped his friend would understand the game he was playing with him.
As Horock looked at some of the people, he noticed the strange tint in their eyes. Whispering to his friend, he says, "These people are not right. I don't know what is wrong with them, but something is not right. They didn't even react to me just now the way that they should. Something isn't right here..."
Xull'rae was growing increasingly edgy. Her skin was crawling with bad vibes, but she again forced herself not to explode and become murderous..yet. So she decided to go with the "flow" and act as one of the crowd, going still as a puppet on strings and her eyes blank just in case one got close enough to look in them.
Drazoul took the risk and walked over to one of the figures that his friend warned him about his grip on the dagger ever so tight that his ebony knuckles turned gray.
Addressing the closest person he says, "please sir you must help my friend?" He received no reply though.
"Hey, Xull!" Came a rich voice amongst the crowd. One that made Xull'rae visibly flinch as she heard the familiar and annoying Bladesinger call her name. He came onto the scene at the most inopportune of times, as usual, that voice which grates the drowess' nerves oh so terribly echo's across the crowd, causing some of the glassy eyed stares to turn in the direction of the flying Malaugrym, and the cloaked Power which hides just on the fringes. As none other than the aerial borne Malaugrym could possible catch sight of the handsome half clad Vesz'aun at this point. One has to wonder how he managed to pick Xull'rae out of the crowd.
The disguised Malaugrym spoke aloud, knowing whatever it was, had its attention upon his hovering form. "You enjoy hiding I see." He was all the way on the other side of the crowd now, not that he had any qualms with causing casualties. Arm outstretched and fingers splay wide. He had a good thing going for him there, till the Bladesinger arrived and actually managed to break his train of thought, if only for a split second.
His gaze shifting, from the said Drow male, back to the power source, grumbling to himself, beneath his breath, the moment was pretty much lost. "As I was saying, do us all a favor and show yourself, or.. You can die where you stand." Yeah, he might look pretty insane, seeing as how the Singer was next to the hidden object of his words, but it probably looked like he was ready to start a serious fire-fight with the male.
It took everything Xull'rae had not to snap out and break her poise, she just hoped..no matter how meager that emotion was, 'hope' was what was making her stay as she was and that something would divert this situation. She felt relief when it was the flying mage that delivered it.
When Drazoul had approached one of the blurred shadows, when he asked the crowd to help Horock, it quickly dodged to the side, seemingly ignoring him, in order to make it's way towards Horock...and as Horock now found himself being closed in on all sides by the shadowy movements, it would be safe to gather that whatever they were, they were after him. Drazoul too could figure that out easily enough, as he and Horock had not been separated by any great distance.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the street, there was a visible wavering of the air, glimpses of a vaguely humanoid form, surrounded by misty shadows, coming to the naked eye for a heartbeat, towering some two dozen hands over the unsuspecting Bladesinger. Palpable, infernal power, tinged with something else that only the Malaugrym, of those gathered, would recognized, emanated from the being, the multiple, glowing blue slivers adorning what would be the face glaring ruefully, yet warily, at the levitating Malaugrym, perhaps trying to assess the danger present by said finger-splaying wizard.
Understanding Horock was in great peril he decided to wait for Horock to start the inevitable fight. He zero'd in on the second closet figure figuring Horock would take the first. He was aiming for a shot with his eyes.
Horock finally decides that he is done with playing around and draws his long sword at the shapes. "Fine, you want a piece of me? Bring it." He attacks the nearest shadow.
Always one to misconstrue a situation, Vesz'aun gazed around momentarily in confusion, as he too felt the looming presence behind him, but knew not what it was, getting distracted rather by the drow floating above. An angered scowl comes to rest upon his rather handsome visage as he yells out to the disguised Malaugrym. "What in the bloody hells are you talking about? I'm not hidden, you half-wit, I'm standing right here. Now come down and fight like a Drow, if ya know how...." As if expecting some sort of fight, his slender digitized hands fell to his waist, one resting upon the hilt of his ornate silver Thinblade, the other dipping into the largest of his belt pouches.
Xull'rae however, bided her time for now, in eerie calm, paranoia and irritation slid off her skin like water, as she watched the looming figure behind Vesz'aun, before trying to access the entire situation at hand. Pin pointing the confrontation with the other two as well. She had a duty to keep Horock alive, but for now she waited to see if he had any skill at all to fight and survive before she would even jump in the fray.
"I'm the half-wit?" The disguised Malaugrym sounded incredulous and angry. "Take a look behind you..." There was a lingering sigh rolling from in-between slightly parted tiers now. His hand instead rose to casually run over the front of his face, lengthy digits covering handsome visage momentarily, he looked at the towering being and simply offered a shrug of lean shoulders. Yeah, he was going to help take care of the creature, but since the male arrived, he would remain in his position to see how he'd do.
A hint of amusement was visibly set across his features, probably the only one having fun with this, but then again, this was what his race was all about.
The shadowed blurs took on a vaguely humanoid shape as well, upon closing in on their prey. As such, Horock had some recognizable anatomy to strike out at, and indeed his blade felt some small resistance as it cleaved through what seemed an almost liquidly form, an open "wound" visible as the blade made its cut, though the shadows seemed to congeal around said wound immediately afterward. The creature "stumbled" slightly, if one could call it that, then came to pause completely, along with the others, as a deep, unearthly voice began to rumble across the street's expanse...which was perhaps a lucky coincidence for Drazoul, as when he made an attempt to slide his blade into a shadow beings back, there came no sense of resistance, nor damage imparted.
Blinking in unison, the orbs of the towering, half visible form lurking behind Vesz'aun regarded the off handed manners of the airborne Malaugrym a moment longer, then its Infernal voice issued forth, intended for said Malaugrym's ears, though any in the immediate area would surely overhear. There seemed to be some evident measure of respect and fear held within, though much resolve as well. "I know of you...it has been a long time since your name has come to any real mention amongst our homelands. There is no quarrel between us, so I would wish to carry out my task and be on my way, without confrontation on your part."
Vesz'aun still dumbfounded and angry..still unaware of the danger scoffed at the Malaugrym. "Wha..? Yeah, right, like I'm gonna..." Figuring the floating wizard was bluffing him, the dim witted Bladesinger began to retort, only to be overpowered by the rumblings from that Infernal beast of Shadow. Turning abruptly, one would expect to see fear amongst those myriad of emotions that played upon his visage, yet somehow that particular vintage of emotion never got the chance to bloom.
Momentary awe, followed by a deepened, frustrated anger creased his obsidian, drowic visage, as his twin pools of crimson shot back to the floating wizard after a few heartbeats of regard had been given to the Shadow demon. "Hm, so can't fight your own battles, huh? Have to summon a lil' pet to do your dirty work? This thing don't scare me!" The handsome Drow was now very unimpressed and insulting. "it's all fluff I'm sure, probably just an illusion that you regularly use to make those not of my caliber piss their pants...hah!" Puffing his chest out, Vesz'aun turns to face said daemon of darkness, offering it a little wave of dismissal, talking in a most dry tone. "Blah blah blah, in the name of my mighty, holy manhood, begone." When it had not disappeared, and his hand suddenly made contact with eerily cold and numbing flesh of sorts, he could not help but frown in consternation. "hmmm....."
Horock looks up at the thing also unimpressed. "Oh, so you are the one that wants a piece of me, huh? Well, if you really want to dance, lets do it." He knows he always has something he can do if he has to but, he doesn't want to if he can at all help it. He will do whatever he needed to stay alive, but he would not back down from what was happening.
Xull'rae saw the idiot Vesz'aun and growled low in frustration. She attempted to save his life without moving. Vesz'aun...this is your.. um..conscience speaking..you need to go to the inn..and in the common room..Xull'rae is there and she needs you to help..don't think just go.. It was very rare she used her inborn gift of mind speech much less on Vesz'aun..for the most part she really never used them and knew the Bladesinger didn't know that part about her, so she hoped he'd buy her "suggestion" All the while though she stayed where she was, not moving at all.
Those who watched saw the Malaugrym begin to hover a little lower, and move forward several feet, keeping approximately eye-level with the creature. "What might that task be? I too, have my own plans.." His teeth were starting to grit though, more or less at the Bladesinger's presence, and the arrogant way he carried himself. He made an idle point to the said male, and muttered. "He not being part of them.." More or less a hint, not really caring what the creature did to Vesz'aun. With that done, he set his full attention on the shadowy being, who seemed to know him.
Drazoul, meanwhile attacks again with his other arm holding another dagger. Hoping for some sort of better result but more so just to keep them off him for the time being.
For the moment, nothing more than a blink, perhaps of confusion mixed with humored curiosity, was offered to the insolent Bladesinger, and though the shadowy brute replied now to the Malaugrym, its multiple faceted gaze fell to the other drow male who had addressed its person. That rough cacophony of a voice issuing forth once again. "There is a compact I must fulfill, concerning that one. And his companion." He was, of course, referring to Horock and Drazoul.
Like last time Drazoul's attack had no more effect on the humanoid patch of darkness than the last, though the creature made no response of any kind. For the moment, the dozen or so shadowmen seemed to be in a stasis of sorts.
Vesz'aun, still a bit off kilter by virtue of the fact the illusionary being hadn't disappeared yet, and that it continued to speak, he became even more confused when his "conscience" seemed to suddenly spring to life. Not one to hear voices in his head on a regular basis, Xull's actions caused him to pause even more rather than spring him to action, a mild, dazed look upon his sharply featured countenance, the goings-on around him largely forgotten. "Hm, odd how my conscience sounds like Xull...gotta be some deeper meaning hidden there...."
Drazoul turned towards the demon then and spoke to him abandoning his attacks. "What do you want with me and Horock?" There came no response to Drazoul's words, the being turning its gaze back to the Malaugrym's current form, as if it did not count them as worthy of being spoken to.
"What is your concern with those two?" Under any circumstance, he wouldn't care, however, he knew them to be companions of Xull'rae. One he was to observe and watch over, and with this, the others that'd follow in her lead. A minor look of disdain set across his features, awaiting a reply from the demon.
The one with Horock was almost as idiotic as the Bladesinger, to Xull'rae's line of thinking. It was obvious the demon was here to capture or more than likely kill them but she kept silent..and just observed like a certain bald human was doing.
"In all due respect, Exalted, I cannot dally with this question and answer foray. It takes an incredible amount of power to cloak these proceedings from the city's Magocracy..." Came the reply of the Shadow Demon, it too now held some hint of annoyance in its tone, whilst addressing the Malaugrym. "My business should not be a concern of yours, as surely these insignificant fleas would not be worthy of your personal concerns." The demon continued this time his tone much more respectful, careful not to anger the mage.
"If that be the case, you should know this." The Malaugrym's crimson orbs squint to mere slits. "They are under my protection till my accomplishments here are realized. I will NOT have you, or anyone stopping me from my goals!" One might think the disguised Malaugrym was starting to grow a little angry.
"So I offer you two suggestions, leave now, and return once I am through here, or stay, and continue eating away at my patience. The choice is yours."
Before the Shadow Demon could reply, Horock realizes that he can change into his other form without the magocracy knowing about it, he begins to change into a gigantic red dragon, as Drazoul has seem him do so many times in the past. Turning toward the big shadow thing, he growls in draconic "Now ya wanna go, bitch? Lets dance." He attacks the shadow thing while it is distracted using his forearm claws and his bite attacks, hoping to do as much damage to the abomination as quickly as possible.
Drazoul would have been in awe of his friend but he was preoccupied as he feels a slight, soft humming of energy within those blades resting in his hands, so faint that he perhaps would question that it occurred, save for the dim, blue luminescence which now emitted from them. The disguised Yuan-ti stares at his blades in amazement and then shakes his head snapping out of his daze. "Well best not question my fate, lest I die where I stand!" He whirls around and plunges one of his daggers into one of the shadow creatures and attempts to hit another one with his now glowing daggers.
Xull'rae now was on the verge of laughing, this whole scene was quite amusing, she had to step away from her standing point as things were progressing quite rapidly..and rather large as Horock showed his true self. Still she made no move to help or said anything. Being enigmatic at times, took it upon herself to perch upon an outcropping of rocks not too far from the scene and had herself a seat "indian" style to watch the entertainment.
That moment became a blur of chaotic rhythms...indeed the shadow demon had been caught more than a bit off guard, for though it had known of Horock's ability to shift forms, it had not anticipated the drow shapeshifter having the gall to do such a thing in these environs. As Horock's first claw swooped in towards the creature, it appeared that the Malaugrym had been momentarily caught off guard as well, for whether it was intentional or not, Horock's gargantuan, scaled arm knocked into the Malaugrym, sending said creature of Shadow hurtling wildly through the air.
Sszordrin's teeth grit as he was sent hurling toward the rocky cavernous wall. And while he was just slammed aside by the draconic figure, he didn't appear all that hurt. Both arms shot outwards, using his natural ability to fly to stop himself mere feet from impact, those crimson orbs were little more then slits as he made a slow, in-air turn to face what seemed to have the nerve, even after he provoked no attack. A deep breath was taken, not that it helped his now soured mood, he didn't make any decisive action just yet, he was all about letting the war rage and picking off whom he liked, when he wanted.
Upon making contact with the shadow demon's "flesh", a numbing cold swiftly crept up through Horock's claws. A feeling of weakness also befalling his oversized, draconic form. The second claw attack was a bit more feeble of aim due to this fact, though it too managed to make contact with the demon, sending the thing stumbling to its feet, trying to maintain some sort of balance. In the process, Vesz'aun was nearly trampled, by virtue of the first few moments, he made no move to leave the area, enthralled by the fact a dragon was present. The Bladesinger seemed to snap out of it just and dodge deftly away from the battle, just as Horock's jaws came to clamp down upon the off-kilter demon. And indeed they did, the numbing cold nearly causing Horock's vision to fade completely this time, the feeling of temporary weakness nearly overpowering. The throngs of drow citizens on the street directly below were starting to rouse from their sorcerous state of thrall, some already emitting startled cries and curses.
In the midst of that throng, Drazoul's attack had indeed made solid contact with its target this time, the shadowy humanoid emitting a screech of sorts 'ere it dissipated from view, assumed to be destroyed. Despite the wounds suffered by the main shadow demon, it appeared to be formulating some sort of spell to no doubt retaliate against its draconic quarry.
Drazoul starts to estimate the range it will take to send one of his glowing daggers straight for the eye of the demon, but the creature dodged it. Cursing Drazoul tries another tactic, he sees his friends trouble and though he would have preferred to interrogate the demon while it was surprised at the sight of the Horock that element might not last long since Horock might not last long. He hurled two of his glowing blades in rapid succession hoping they would hit a vital spot but not counting on it. Knowing the creature was quick.
Oh my how amusing this is! Xull'rae thought, and it became duly noted of Horock's known abilities. Of which she tucked away in her keen mind for later use. What a pawn he could make..though if he kept this up..not a subtle one. She giggled as the mage got knocked back clapping her hands upon hearing the demon muttering the beginnings of a spell, cheering for more thought not extremely loud.
In order to negate the spell that was assuredly coming at him, Horock begins to look for a space to perch. Carefully moving around, he makes sure that his tail is not going hit anything as he slightly hovers into the air.
As soon as he saw a good place to be, he perched there, checking to make sure that no one would be in the range of a blast should he decide to use some of his dragon fire on the creature.
Laughing now Xull'rae stands, figuring it is now time to step in. She carefully disguised her voice from sounding feminine. "Pardon the intrusion of this lovely show but for the sake of city and it's rules..no fighting is allowed on these streets..unless you want the entire conclave here..which that I hear is a no no..and it is my gathering that the dragon is a follower of Vhaeraun..I believe is his name..Ally of Shar I think..so choose wisely on how this is going to turn out..."
The Shadow
Demon roared in response and in growling words responds, "Dead or alive
were the terms given me, whelp, so I mind not killing you!" Its huge
tendrils of pitch black lifted above its head and arcane energy sprouted upon
its being and snaked their way quickly towards Horock's seemingly fleeing form.
A few managing to grab hold of the dragon's body in various places just as it
came to roost. Again, numbing cold began to seep into Horock's form, weakening
him further, slowly draining his very life force.
Then came from its mouthless visage a slight cry of surprise and annoyance,
perhaps even a tinge of further pain within, its attention distracted
momentarily. Multi-orbed gaze falling to the floor, where a certain Bladesinger
was now repeatedly puncturing the ankle area of its right leg with that
trademark Elven Thinblade. This distraction served well on the side of luck for
Drazoul as well, to some degree at least.
Having bent its head forward and down, one of the daggers had plunged deep within one of those softly glowing, deep blue eyes and another embedded in it's cheek from Drazoul's second attack, a slight cry of annoyance and pain rumbled through the cavern. And though it did not offer the drowess any form of response, it would appear that the demon had heard her words and perhaps heeded them to a degree, as its gaze then swept the area, taking in the fact that most of the citizen's it had in thrall were now self-aware once more.
Cursing quite audibly, it retracted those shadowy tendrils from Horock's form, whilst swatting off handily at the Bladesinger, missing by a long shot. This was also Drazoul's saving grace, as those lesser shadow beings were recalled just as they were about to sweep upon Drazoul en masse, all of them floating upward to meld with the main demon's body. Perhaps even healing the creature to a degree. Once more, its voice grated forth. "Another time, whelp." Its gaze then fell quickly upon the distant Malaugrym, quite the disapproving glare held within that look, though no words were offered as it began to formulate the magic's to return from whence it came.
"Can't say I didn't warn you..but such is the way of Underlings I suppose..always follow orders like a dimwitted dog at the cost of their lives usually..must be a sad and trivial life.." Xull'rae mused to herself. Her shrouded form not mocking, calm and cool like water.
It didn't take much to put a few bits of information together, simply by what the shadow creature spoke, this must have been one of the two he mentioned before, and since the other was still down there, it left only one conclusion to the Malaugrym's mind, which would be brought up at a later date. His own orbs burned deeply, locked with the demon who appeared to be fleeing. A stark white brow popped upwards, he doubted this would be the last time he saw the creature, and made note to trace the signals of magic his transportation spell would leave behind. "I'll be seeing you.. soon.." His words carefully spoken, and only then there was a hint of smile curling at the very corner of his tiers, whether or not he meant anything by it, the being would surely know in due time.
As soon as the shadow creature was gone, Horock hopped down from his spot and changed back into his drow form. Looking around at everybody, he says "What the hell was that?!"
Xull'rae turned to the dragon, now drow her voice still gruff like a males. "As for you...please stay in that smaller form before you crush those on the street..and pray to Shar or whatever deity you really do serve that I do not report this matter!"
Now did the demon proceed to disappear, its escape unbarred by those present. Vesz'aun was no where to be seen.
As soon as Horock heard the Drowess's words, he began to come out of his stupor from the shadow demon's spell. As soon as he realized that the demon was gone, he realized how much damage he had done. As he looks around, he asks everyone in the vicinity, "What are you looking at?!" and sulks back into the tavern, looking for Colie. He for some reason knew that it was from Cogliostro, and he was pissed off as hell.
The contents of Xullrae are the property and copyright of Xullrae Zauvir, and are not to be published or redistributed without permission.