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By Walker Perkins
Session 8
Campaign: Mysteries of the Moonsea1/12/06 Start Time: @ 9:00 pmModule: Vorbyx's Watchpost part 1Uktar 6-15, 1372 The Year of Wild Magic-Working in tandem with Lady Joyworker Shandar and Ulblyn Blackalbuck, the tattooed slaves are secured and are awaiting transport to a location known only by the Halfling Harper
-Esvelle continues to perform nightly at the Crow's Nest
-Ulblyn Blackalbuck identifies the Jade Obelisk as a Vorbyxian Key, and places its relevance at Vorbyx's Watchpost.
-Danirri loses her Thayan tattoo miraculously at Mystra's will.
-Ulblyn suggests that Angorn, Elsanoth, Esvelle, and Danirri investigate Vorbyx's Watchpost. Bartolous is still needed to continue researching the Tattoos and Davram volunteers to safeguard the remaining tattooed slaves.
-Angorn purchases equipment by trading the remaining excess riding horses.
-Elsanoth investigates the Thar and its indigeonous tribes.
-Esvelle convinces her party to depart a day later than planned in order to give a farewell performance at the Crow's Nest.
-Departing on Uktar 12, the party is quickly off track and caught in a snow storm.
-In the midst of the snow blown night, the party is assaulted by an Ettin, who is slain after great effort. The ettin's pouch yields 900gp.
-The snow storm intensifies the next day, and the party decides to stay at camp rather than risk getting lost again.
-The night of Uktar 13, the corpse of the Ettin re-animates and is hastilly slain once more, its remains scattered.
-Elsanoth recounts rumors of a cabal of Necromancers near the Galenas to explain the random re-animation of the Ettin.
-Uktar 15, Vorbyx's watchpost is achieved.
-The lower two levels are cleared of Beholderkin and Shocker Lizards.Treasure
900gp - Ettin127gp - Shocker Lizard's Nest86sp - Shocker Lizard's NestGold Necklace (75gp) - Shocker Lizard's NestScroll of Shatter - Shocker Lizard's Nest12 +1 bolts - Beholderkin Room2 potions of Cure Light Wounds - Beholderkin RoomVial of Alchemist's Fire - Beholderkin Room76gp - Beholderkin RoomAbsent PC's
Davram & Bartolous
The content of The Jeweled Edge is the property and copyright of Walker Perkins and is not to be published or redistributed without permission.