Tethtoril's Bookshelf

The Legend of Drizzt #3

Product Type:

Trade Paperback Comic
Publisher: Devil's Due Publishing
Issue Number: The Legend of Drizzt,
Sojourn issues 1-3
ISBN Number : 1-9327-9657-6
Author: Adapted by Andrew Dabb
Original story by R.A. Salvatore
Artist: Tim Seeley
Release Date: August 2006
Format: Comic book (160 pages)

This is a trade paperback edition of the Sojourn comics, issues 1-3, of the Legend of Drizzt series.

The following description is taken from the reverse of the product:

'He left behind everything and everyone he knew - all in the pursuit of justice. Like others of his race, Drizzt Do'Urden was raised in the endless night of the subterranean Underdark. But where other dark elves seek power, Drizzt seeks justice. Those whom they'd oppress, Drizzt wishes to befriend. Unwilling to submit to the violence and wickedness of his people, the young warrior abandoned his childhood home.

Journey to a new world. Realizing he'd never truly be beyond the reach of this people as long as he remained underground, Drizzt determined to do what no other of his kind had done: leave the shadows of the Underdark for the blazing sun of the surface.

An outcase in search of a home. Now, he has begun a sojourn through a world utterly unlike his own. But acceptance amoung the surface-dwellers will not come easy - nor without sacrifice.'

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